Chapter VII: Rising Chaos

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"Do you see?" the black dragon roared, pointing to the horizon. His army all focussed on their master's direction. "Out there is an ancient force just waiting for our power to take hold of it," he spreads his hands wide as his eyes flashed and his wings swept wide. "And then, WE WILL BURN THEM ALL!!!" A deafening roar met the Dark One's ears, as he grinned, taking flight. "ONWARD TO VICTORY!!"

The flight of so many wing'ed beasts was more than enough to turn any mortal man's blood to stone as Emeran's vast army filled the skies; no mortal was safe from the onslaught of evil. As they flew, the leader swung his claws up and slammed them together hard; a momentary blinding flash erupting from several of the same flashes erupted in each of the dragon's left hands; each one saw they now bore a black stone with a gold triangle, the ancient symbol for fire. "Come!" he roared. Obeying, his army soon came within sight of Mount Edziza...where the chaos would emerge, and spread like a virus. Four of the master's soldiers followed him in a descending spiral around Edziza's caldera; as Emeran's eyes blazed, steam began to seep from the opening, as a low rumble was heard; the earth itself began to tremble, as deep cracks swiftly marred the crust around the caldera.
Angry red shone through those cracks, as the rumbling intensified!
"I'm scared, Egarun!" Peter whispered as he crouched low on his friend's back. The dragon purred in reply.
"I am too, Peter...but I have to try and be brave; you should too!" he answered gently, with a reassuring smile to the boy. Suddenly a roar resounded as another dragon, undoubtedly one of Emeran's own, swerved across their path a hundred feet ahead, and shot straight at them like an arrow!!
Egarun swerved, lashing his tail and slamming the other dragon across the left wing, making it roar in pain, before it almost instantly recovered and came at them again. The dragon swerved, as he lashed his tail, striking the dragon in the head, but suddenly, Egarun was knocked sideways, giving the other dragon ample time to swing his tail spike...and strike Peter's friend in the heart!! Roaring, Egarun spun wildly out of control for a few seconds, managed to right himself.
Thankfully, he had only been about two metres from the ground at that point, so Peter was not hurt by his landing...but when Egarun turned toward Peter after the boy had gotten up, Peter felt ice sear his veins!!

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