Chapter 9

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OMG IS IT TRUE?!?! It'' It can't be real.

...IT'S A CHAPTER!!!!!!

I am soooo sorry I didn't update. It turns out that-omg-I ACTUALLY HAVE A SOCIAL LIFE AND THINGS HAPPENED *o* IK ITS CRAZY anyway I am soooo sorry I broke my promise D,x AND THERE WAS A CLIFFHANGER TOO! I cannot even TYPE how sorry I am right now. Anyway, you probably don't care and just want to see what happens, so TO THE STORY!

+Mitch's POV+

Kaylee. Where is Kaylee.

I spin around and push backwards through the chaotic crowd, searchig for any signs of Kaylee. I finally spot her, staggering behind the crowd, a trail of blood appearing under her right arm. 

She's been shot.

"KAYLEE! NO!" I shout. I can barely control myslef. Just as I am about to reach her, she collapses onto the ground. Blood still rushes from her arm. I pick her up bridal style and sprint towards the exit. I shove fiercely through the crowd and make my way to the front doors. As I run, I dial 911.

"Hello, what is your emergency?" a feminine voice asks.

"My girlfriend. Shot. At Minecon venue. Please, help, please.

"Relax, everything will be fine. Multiple ambulances are already on their way to the Minecon venue. They will be out front."

"Th-thank you," I stammer.

"Good luck," she replies, then the call ends.

I reach the curb just as the paramedics arrive. 

"Over here! HERE!" I shout, gathering attention. A group rushes over to me.

"Injury?" one asks in a strict tone of voice, as two others wheel over a stretcher.

"Shot. In the right arm," I say as I gently lay Kaylee down onto the stretcher. "I think she passed out from blood loss," I add, realizing it is a big factor.

"Hey. How are you related?" A large man blocks my path as I attempt to enter the ambulance with Kaylee.

"I'm her boyfriend."

"Hmmm..." he says with a doubtful tone.

"Please. She means more than life to me. I'm begging you, please let me in." I had to be with Kaylee. The whole time.

"Fine. Come on." he finally says.

I squeeze my gorgeous, dying girlfriend's hard tight as the tears begin to fall.

+Jerome's POV+ (ooooh)

Piper and I were extermely lucky. As soon as I heard the gunshot, I grabbed Piper's hand and ran, full speed, straight towards the entrance. We were some of the first people to escape, and were now standing in the room that belonged to Mitch and !.


"Oh, god, Piper, what about Mitch and Kaylee!"

"Holy fuck, how did we forget about them! TEXT THEM!"

Poor Piper is a wreck. Her hair is tangled, her eyes red and wide with fear, and her emotions obviously crazed. 

My hands shook with worry as I lifted my phone and texted Mitch.

J:Did you guys make it? Are you okay?

One minute. I try again

J:Mitch, please respond if you're okay, please, we're really worried.

Two more minutes. I am losing hope.

J:Mitch! MITCH!'re okay, right? You and Kaylee are together, safe, happy, right?

Finally, my phone buzzes with a reply.

M:I'm sorry, I was trying to support my dying girlfriend in an ambulance. I'm fine and at the hospital. Kaylee wasn't so lucky.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my FUCKING GOD! PIPER COME ON!" I shout as I quickly reply to Mitch.

J:We're on our way.

"JEROME! SPEAK! WHAT IS GOING ON?!" she screams as we sprint down the stairs.

"Ka-Kaylee...she got shot. She's in the hospital."

I can tell Piper just crossed her breaking point. She stops in her tracks and collapses to the floor of the hotel lobby, sobbing.

"Shh, it's okay, baby, she's gonna be fine," I whisper to her as I scoop her up bridal style and continue running towards the address of the hospital. I hold her close and she quets her sobs, pressing her face into my shoulder.

We finally arrive at the hospital. Piper has calmed down, so I stand her up and walk in. We go up to the desk.

"Kaylee Thompson?" (forgive the cliche, please, i beg of you)

"Ah, yes, she's on the fourth floor. I'm afraid you can;t see her now, but you can head to the waiting area," the lady replies kindly.

"Thank you so much," I say as I speedwalk to the elevators.

The elevator doors slowly open to the waiting area. We see Mitch sitting in a cushioned yet uncomfortable looking chair. His entire face is hed and tears steam down his face as he silently cries. 

"Mitch! Oh, Mitch..." Piper runs up to him and gives him a huge hug. 

"It's gonna be okay, buddy," I say softly as I sit next to him.

"K-K-Kaylee...She c-can't leave n-now...s-she only j-just came to m-me..." he whispers.

"She's gonna be absolutely fine. These people are qualified professionals."

"But...what if they can't save her?" Mitch says.

Piper scrunches her face, then takes a deep breath and looks straight into Mitch's eyes.

"Don't you ever say that again. You hear me. Ever. Kaylee will be good as new. Understand?"

She is really good at cheering people up.

The flow of tears on Mitch's face slows, then stops.

"Undertand," Mitch says, lifting his chin for the first time since we arrived.

We wait. And wait. Seconds slowly ass. Then Minutes. Hours. Though it is obviously the middle of the night, none of us can sleep. We just huddle together and hope everything will turn out alright. Then, a cheerful-looking nurse appears.

"Mitchell Hughes?"

Oh No Staying up all night and Hospitals and Drama and Staying Up All Night In Hospitals With Drama WOOOOOAH 

So I just found out a guy from my friend who lives an hour away from me's school that I've only seen once has a crush on me O_o 

I'm definitely staying single pringle unless i figure out who he is and somehow maybe develop a crush on him but that's not likely so SINGLE PRINGLE IS READY TO MINGLE!!! xD jkjk but still I am not dating a guy I don't know

Random Person:You know what, Sarah?

Me:Who are you? Wait, nvm, I wanna know what. What?

Random Person:Nobody cares about your personal life. AT ALL.

Sarah:WAAAH I HAD NO IDEA *sobs like a two year old having a tantrum*

Random Person:Well it's true. *strikes a 'toofab4ugurl' pose and walks away*

Hahaha jk i knew you didn't care about my personal life but I still luv u b/c u made my stupid fanfic slightly more popular <3

On that lovely note, See U Guys Later

<3 xD -Sarah xD <3

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