Oneshot #3

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"Do it!" nagged Piper. "It's a dare!"

"No!" exclaimed Charlotte

The two of them had watched a movie and were coming back to Piper's house to hang. On the way back they played  a quick game of truth or dare to pass time, and Charlotte ended up revealing she had a crush on Henry. Piper immeadeatly started shipping them calling the two 'Chenry'.

What Charlotte didn't know, was that Piper knew that Henry had a crush on Charlotte too. He had sworn her to keep it a secret, and threatened to tell his mom that she went partying past curfew by sneaking out so she kept her mouth shut. That wasn't going to stop her from getting them together however. Leading her to think of this dare.

"Piper! I will not flirt with Henry for a week!" exclaimed Charlotte. "He's my best friend! It would be weird."

"If you don't I'll tell him you have a crush on him. Or do my dare which is to flirt with your crush for a week." said Piper, smirking triumphantly

"Oh come on!" groaned Charlotte

"Chill" said Piper. "My brother is so stupid he won't even know you're flirting with him. Unless you straight up tell him that you like him, he will just be confused."

"Still. What if he figures it out, it would be so weird" protested Charlotte

"Wouldn't it be worse if he found out you have a crush on him?" asked Piper, looking at her manicured nails innocently batting her eyelashes.

"Three days instead" protested Charlotte

"Five" said Piper





"Fine. Fine. I'll do five"

"Yas!" said Piper fist pumping the air in triumph

"I swear I still hate you" grumbled Charlotte. "But whatever. I just need you to tell me how to flirt."

Piper grins. "Okay. So make sure to touch his arm a lot, twirl your hair and bat your lashes. Also giggle once in a while, and smile a lot. Compliment him too"

Charlotte scrunched her face up. "And he won't notice?" she asked unbelievably

Piper laughed. "No. Also, don't make that face" she said, before opening the door and walking in. She hung her sweater up and put her purse on a table. She winked slyly and Charlotte before walking up the stair case and sitting on the stairs to spy on her brother and Charlotte.

Charlotte glared at Piper before walking over to Henry who was in the kitchen eating chips.

"Sup Char" he greets, pushing the bowl of chips over so she can grab one.

She pops one into her mouth, and giggles a little. "Heyyyy Henry" she says, poking him in the arm.

"Okay..." he said Henry, confused. "How was the movie?"

"It was really good" said Charlotte, twirling her hair and batting her eyelashes

This flirting kept going on for ten more minutes, Henry getting extremely confused why she was being girly and touching him. After a while, Charlotte ran out of ideas on how to flirt, and gestured for Piper to come out of her hiding spot.

Piper came down the the stairs loudly. "Hey Henry. Sorry, but Charlotte and I gotta go" she said

"Okay" said Henry. "later Char"

"Later Hen" said Charlotte, leaving a confused Henry in his house

Charlotte and Piper left and as soon as they were outside Piper started teasing her. "See. Told he wouldn't understand.

Best Friends - Chenry One Shots and Henry Danger One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now