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2 Months Later
Craig's POV
It's been a few months since we found out the exciting news we haven't told anyone else yet because in early months there can be a chance of miscarriage but we don't have to worry about it anymore so we have decided to start telling friends and family.

Anne's Parents live on the boarder side of Essex so we are going to FaceTime them and tell them the news, I can tell Anne is nervous and so am I but also very excited.

I hold her closer and smile "when your ready babe". Anne picks up her phone and FaceTimes them.

Anne: hey
Wayne: hey hunny
Susan: it's lovely to hear from you
Anne: you to
Wayne: hello Craig
Craig: (smiles) hiya
Susan: is there something specific you wanted to talk about or did you want to catch up
Anne: we have something to tell you
Wayne: awwe I can't wait to hear
Anne: (starts to cry)
Susan: oh sweetie don't cry, whatever it is we will always love you
Craig: (comforts her)
Anne: (wipes tears) I'm sorry I'm so emotional
Wayne: it's okay sweetie, take your time
Anne: well me and Craig's family is going to get bigger
Susan: omg are you getting a dog
Anne: (giggles and wipes her tears) nope
Wayne: waitttt, are you expecting
Anne: (nods) yes
Craig: (holds her)
Susan: omg Anne this is great news (starts to cry)
Wayne: (shocked) really
Craig: (nods)
Wayne: oh my congratulations this is amazing
Susan: how far along are you
Anne: 20 weeks (smiles)
Wayne: this is so exciting
Anne: we would of said earlier but we wanted to make sure there is no chance of a miscarriage
Susan: (smiles) yes that's understandable, well congratulations both of you
Craig: thank you
Anne: (smiles) thank you
Wayne: (smiles)
Susan: how many people do you still need to tell
Anne: quite a few more
Susan: okay I'll let you go then sweetie, love you
Anne: love you to
Craig: bye
Wayne: bye (smiles)
Anne: (waves bye and ends call)

FACETIME Anne: hey Wayne: hey hunny Susan: it's lovely to hear from you Anne: you toWayne: hello Craig Craig: (smiles) hiya Susan: is there something specific you wanted to talk about or did you want to catch up Anne: we have something to tell you...

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Liked by craigeddiee and 12,475,835 others annemarie: we think this is the time for you all to know, me and Craig are expecting a baby on the 19th August 💕

(I didn't think it was going to be long 🤣 do I might continue the being told in the next part or change the next part.

Soph x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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