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I love y'all so much that I decided to post today 😭🥺🥺

Y/N  p.o.v

I started to wake up .. my eyes still fuzzy from all the light around me.. I lifted my hand to wipe away the sweat from my forehead and looked up ... it should be about noon right now. I looked to my side and Sangwoo was there sleeping hugging onto me.. he looked calmed for once .. he had a red tint since he still looked pretty sick to me .. his hair stuck to his forehead making him look younger .

I brushed his hair away from his forehead and wiped away his sweat with my sleeves from his sweater. I slowly pushed his arms from around me then got up. I looked around the room and couldn't find yoonbum.

I stretched before walking out the door ..
As I walked through the halls I took my time to stop and look at the family photos on the wall . He looked so innocent back then .. as a matter of fact he looked like his dad .. you relized the more older sangwoo got the more unhappy his family started to look .. the last photo on the wall gave you shivers .. the look in his moms eyes .. poor sangwoo just looked tired and depressed . You shook your head and started making your way downstairs again.. you can smell dinner making

No ones p.o.v

You creeped up on yoonbum to scare him since you remember how easily scared he gets . But then u relized what he was doing . You looked over yoonbum a shoulders to see him mixing rat poison into the soup .


He jumped at the sound of your voice causing all the rat poison to fall into the soup ..

"What the hell did you do " you said grabbing onto him

He looked at you scared and shaking ..

" how long have you been doing this for " you gripped hun tighter

"I just want to take care of you guys" he said on the verge of tears

You think to yourself .. no wonder you and sangwoo were sick.. he was poisoning you guys slowly .. the thought to yourself made you run to the kitchen sink and hurl .. you couldn't stop vomiting ... Yoonbum came running to your side holding your hair up

" let it all out you will be fine " yoonbum said

You stood up and pushed yoonbum away from you..

" you could have fucking killed us ". You stopped and thinked to yourself... shit what about sangwoo..

You wan up stairs just to be followed by bum..

" y/n please don't be mad at me please " he said on the verge of tears .. he held a cup of soup in his hands . " look I will drink some to" he said smiling .

You started getting mad . What the fuck is wrong with these crazy people .. just when you were starting to get use to them to turn and do some fucked up shit .. the more u looked at him the more angry you got .

" leave me alone" you pushed bum down the stairs.. he looked shocked and you felt bad but didn't care at the moment . You made sure he wasn't that hurt .. he just looked up at you about to cry screaming he was sorry.. you felt bad .. but right now you had to check up on sangwoo.. or did you??

You looked back at yoonbum and ran downstairs

"let's go ."
You grabbed yoonbum bio and dragged him to
The door ..

" where are we going"he asked
"Away from here"

You didn't give him a chance to say anything ..
the door burst open and you felt so relieved to be on the outside world again.. you laughed and ran dragging yoonbum to the front gate .. you stood there before opening it, your hands hovered above the gate with yoonbum watching you.

You turned your head looking back at the door .. you can see sangwoo leaning on the door watching to see what you would do ..
You hit your lip thinking .. what do I do what do I do

It's not like you had anywhere to go .. things weren't as hard as it was before and eventually your sisters body will wash up and u could get caught .. so many outcomes .. you think to yourself.. your better off here .. you looked at sangwoo.. he looked amused and hurt at the same time .. but then he started giving you that smile and you knew that he knew what you were going to choose ..

You looked back at the gate then let yoonbums hands down.. you walked over to sangwoo as he opened his arms to let you in his embrace .. you were surprised but tripped right into his arm while up the stairs..
  He hugged you while playing in your hair and rubbing your back

" this is where you belong now "He said

U felt comfy in his arms ..But then he started squeezing u , you felt like your back was going to collapse ..

" but I can't let you go that easy"

He gripped into your neck slowly squeezing it tighter and tighter .. you looked up at him wondering where this was going .. then out of nowhere he started slamming your head into the wall until you started blacking out

KILLING DRUGGING K.D. (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now