Chapter one.

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You woke up, absolutely hammered from the day before, attending a birthday celebration party one of your best friend hosted. The sting going through your head was awful, as if a lightning struck was hitting directly into your brain. Groaning out the horrible pain, you held your head while slowly looking around the place.
What are you thinking? of course this isn't your room.
You were still at your best friends house, in his living room, on his semi-comfortable couch. Whilst
Your best friend, Taehyung, was laying on the cold white tiles, arm covering his face and snoring his lungs out loudly.
The place was absolutely thrashed. There was trashes and red drinking cups scattered all over the place, along with a couple of balloons that was already running out of air and shrinking.
You're not going to lie, the party was fun. More fun than you expected.
At first you weren't really planning to attend the party even though it was your best friends birthday party. You were just thinking of taking him out on a family friendly dinner and treating him to his favorite restaurant. And maybe giving him some new Gucci since boy sure loved his favorite brand.
But boy wasn't having it. Of course he wanted you to attend the party. Guilt tripping you by saying things such as;

"please!!! It won't be fun without my loveliest best friend... I need you to be there too or else I'll cry. You don't want me to cry on my very OWN birthday right?
C'mon (Y/N).... "

You wanted to straight up tell him to cry and deal with it. But you being the sweet angel you are, you couldn't help but fall into that big puppy eyes that Taehyung was displaying. So you attended it.
And had fun. It's been a while since you actually had fun, you needed it too. So I guess you could say Taehyung lightened up your mood in a way.
Before the birthday party, you were actually fired from your job due to misunderstandings. Some bitch who didn't like you lied and told your boss that you weren't doing your job right always, and you would constantly blame her for your mistakes and degrade her.
To which of course; is a lie.
But your boss defended the bitch anyways.
Well of course he will defend her,
He's fucking her after all.

Back to reality. You sighed and sat up straight, massaging each sides of your head to at least soothe the pain out. Minutes later you heard your best friend sleeping on the tiles grunt and shuffled up.
Looking over to him weakly, you mumbled.

"Morning Alien. Wow look at you, so handsome from the morning. "

Obviously you were mocking him. Sure, Tae was naturally handsome, but something about him just waking up with dried puke all over his shirt and drool still slipping through his full heart lips wasn't something appealing to you.
If you're gonna be honest, you did liked Tae when you first met him.
But as time passed by, you and Tae started connecting in a different way. Obviously nothing romantic, more like family kind of connection.
Plus even if your sort of thing called 'crush' continued, nothing wouldn't happen between you and Taehyung.
After all, he's gay.

"You're so sweet to me from the morning, honey."

Taehyung scoffed out as he slowly stood up only to sigh loudly to himself.

"Shit... look at this place. How am I supposed to clean this up. (Y/N) can you hel-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, you immediately stood up from the couch and fixed your clothing, patting any dirty away that was sticked to you.

"Absolutely not. Your party tae. And no guilt tripping this time, your birthday is over. "

You say as you patted your pocket on your bottom to check if your phone was there. Check. It is.
Whilst you started to leave, Tae whined out and grabbed your arm, whining loudly like a child as he grabbed onto your arm like a five year old boy who just found his mommy at the grocery store after he got lost.

Pain in my ass. ||m.yg|| bts min yoongi x reader Where stories live. Discover now