chapter 1(kind of)

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Hi I'm Azi and this is my story it starts with a abusive family "get rid of it you can't have a baby!!" The father shouted "It's not a it she's a girl, and why can't you just be there for me and her?!?" My mother said . They argued till about 10 in the morning then suddenly my mother collapsed she was rushed to the hospital. Turns out she had a tumor in the left side of her brain and was dead the next morning luckily her sweet baby daughter made it (me).

My father wasn't as Phased by this as you would think. He continued on with life I was abused and locked in my room as I was not wanted I knew I wasn't, I wasn't in school  but my father slid  me books paper and pencil under the door every once in awhile with a couple crackers and water. But  I guess he didn't pay much attention to the books he gave me because they were all survival books, a series, part 1 was about how to escape a kidnapping, part 2 was how to find help if in danger , and more . With me only 12 and not in school I was surprised to know that what was going on was not ok. One day my father took me to the bar with him because of my age they wouldn't let me in so he told me to stay outside so, I did as I was told until he went in but as soon as he left I ran, I ran to this homeless man and slid him a note just like one of the books I had read, I whispered in his ear "help me I slid a card in your pocket and in 1 year I want you to come find me on the card is more information.". I said 1 year because I needed time to prepare the man nodded and oddly agreed with no questions. I ran back to where my father left me by then it was dark and I was starving.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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