Comme Une Fleur

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"You're like a flower."

Iris' brown eyes widen as she stares at the taller male. She wasn't expecting such a comment.

"Is that a compliment? Thank you-"

"They're easily crushed." He silently puts his hands into his pockets and walks past her.

This was the dragon master's first encounter with Blue Oak.


"When you really get to know him, he's not too bad," Red says to her as he fixes his signature cap on. Iris huffs, puffing her mocha cheeks as she crosses her arms.

"Yeah, right! First impressions are always important, and he's already on my bad side." Red smiles as he turns and faces her.

"Trust me, he was the same with me. He's like that with everyone, actually. Just give him some time, Iris. Someday you'll see how nicer he can really be." Iris crosses her arms as she gets up off the bench she was sitting on. Placing her hands on her hips, she leans her body forward, staring into the reddish grey eyes of the male. "Oh, really?"

"Yup. Then again, I can't blame you for feeling that way. He is pretty rude most of the time." He says, contradicting the previous words of advice he had given to the girl with purple hair.

The raven-haired boy looks upon the watch on his wrist before jumping to his feet and facing the girl next to him. She leans back and tilts her head.

"Going somewhere?" She asks.

"I'm going to meet up with Green and Blue now. You want to come with?" He gives her a small smile as she listens up for a moment. She had nothing better to do for the time being, so why not? Although she wasn't in the happiest mood to meet Blue, Red and Green's presence would make up for it. So she agrees.

"Sure, I'll be happy to come with." Red smiles then turns his body, gesturing for her to come along. Iris nods her head and walks up next to him as they both walk towards the café.

Red walks into the Poké-Cafe with Iris following beside him. Green, who spots the pair first, lifts her hand up and waves.

"Red! Iris! I wasn't expecting you to come too. What have you two been up to?" Because of her playful manner, she gives them a suggesting look with her brows furrowed and a small smirk on her face. Red scratches the back of his neck awkwardly as the purple-haired girl crosses her arms, embarrassed.

"It's nothing like that, Green," she huffs in response as they reach their table. Green only giggles in response.

"Don't worry Iris, I'm only messing." Iris couldn't help but laugh soon after. Blue, whose silent presence also existed with the group, looks their way, well, mainly at Red.

"Oh, you're finally here. About time." He jokes as he crooks his head to the side and smirks at him. Red only nods in response, returning the smile with one of his own as he slides his hand into his pocket. Iris stares at Blue and their eyes met. They exchange no words as Iris spins her head away. Green immediately picks on the awkwardness between the two and laughs. Iris looks at her in utter confusion.

"C'mon Iris, don't give me that look. What's up with you and ego boy over here?"

"Don't call me that," Blue retorts as he gives her an icy stare.

"It's nothing," Iris says as she slides into the booth seat across from them. Red does the same.

After settling down, the group of four chat, with Green being the drive of the discussion of course. They all state their orders once the server comes up before going right into their previous business. Despite all odds, Iris makes the most of her time, laughing heartily at a joke made by Green. She forgot all about the previous worries she once had about the meetup.

Comme Une Fleur (Blue Oak  x Iris | Prodigyshipping)Where stories live. Discover now