La da da da da da da ahhh,
la da da da da da ahhh.
Let the sun shine down on my face,
let the rain fall, soak in place,
let my feelings go hide my ways.
Where were you when you,
when you were with me, buried deep
I cannot see...
Where were you, when you were with me,
buried deep I cannot see...
(Guitar Solo)
Where were you, when you were with me,
buried deep I cannot see, lost inside
I cannot sleep.
Where were you, when you were with me,
these days I cannot breath, you left
me buried to deep, gone from me I
cannot sleep.
My Lyric's
Ngẫu nhiênLyrics that I write, some have diffrent meanings, some I have no idea what Im talking about but basically almost all these events have happen in my life. Leave me a comment, let me know what you think? Vote is you like it and, even fan :D Will also...