A Truth Never Spoken (Trigger warning)

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                                                                                                                                       The before Alec and Nolans disappearance
Nolan was laying in Brett's room,in his new house. Brett was kissing and holding Nolan close. His hair was a mess and Nolan had marks on his neck,from the night before. "We're turning into Theo and Liam." Brett smiled,and held the human. Nolan blushed,is face turned pink and he hid his face in Brett's lacrosse hoodie he was wearing. Nolan never felt like this before,the way Brett smiles,the way Brett makes everyone happier,the way he acts,the way everytime Nolan sees him he gets this overwhelming of happiness. Nolan fell in love with Brett. Nolan Holloway he ex-hunter,fell for the born werewolf Brett Talbot. his first love. Nolan stopped hiding his face and looked into Brett's eyes,falling lost in them. Nolan was pulled away from his thoughts as his phone went off. Nolan pulled himself out of Brett's arms and grabbed his phone,which was sitting on top of Brett's bed. Nolan froze for a moment. No,it cant be. Nolan looked at the text he got,biting the inside of his mouth.
Meet me in the woods if you don't say goodbye .-Gabe
"Babe you okay?" Brett look at Nolan,hearing his heart beat. Nolan looked up at Brett,and nodded which was a lie."I-I really need to go,something about a kid in lacrosse getting his head stuck in a net,and another head stuck in a door. A-anyway, coach needs me." Before Brett could respond Nolan grabbed his hoodie from the night before and ran put of the house,and into his car,starting it then driving off. Brett ran out of the house,but by that time Nolan was gone.

Nolan didn't realize he was speeding. He knew she shouldn't lie to Brett,but this was Gabe. Nolan hasn't seen Gabe since the day he saved him. Nolan remembers that day,the day never left him. the day he lost the Gabe he used to know. Nolan gripped the steering wheel,as he remembered his torn friendship with Gabe. They used to be best friends, brothers not by blood but Gabe made his choice. Nolan didn't hate Gabe he hated what Gabe became. Nolan pulled up outside of he woods rethinking this whole thing. He left his car running and got out,silently praying it was only him and Gabe here. Nolan started waling into the woods,every so often he would hear foot steps from behind him but,everytime he looked no one was there.

Nolan walked a bit longer untill he saw his old friend leaning up against a tree,with a smirk on his face. "Nolan you have change." Gabe smiled at the ex-hunter,causing Nolan to roll his eyes a tad bit. Nolan felt his anxiety building inside of him,he kept acting as calm as he could and by the looks Gabe was buying it. Nolan just wanted to gp back to Brett,cuddle into his arms,forget everything Gabe and him ever did,forget about the things he's seen or the words he spoke,forget the guilt he feels almost everyday. Truth be told Nolan never forgave himself for everything he did while working Monreo.The pack might of,but not Nolan. The guilt and regret gets to much at times,he regrets the things he did and he still feels guilty for them,and he regrets not going back and trying to save the other members of Monreo's army from making a big mistake. What do you want Gabe?"  Gabe's smirk grew even more it got a bit creepy. "Oh come on Nol,can't two best friends hang out?" Not  if thet threaten to find them if they didn't go. Nolan stayed silent as Gabe stopped leaning up against a tree and started walking closer to Nolan. Nolan walked backwards untill his back hit a tree,as flashes of  images from the night in the hospital ran threw his head. Nolan flinched and covered his face with his arms,tears in his eyes. "Don't worry Nolan." He felt Gabe get way to close for comfort,he grabbed Nolans arms from coving his face and held them together. He didn't even bother looking up at Gabe since he could barely look at him,everytime he did Nolan is remembered of the person he used to be.

"Don't worry Nolan,Allison and Alec's pack will welcome you with full arms. Rumor has it Theo had a sister looks like you'll get to meet her soon enough,maybe your dad to?" Nolan never met his dad and his mom left him for some rich guy when he was 14,which is why he spent so much time with Gabe before Gabe became like a complete stranger. Gabe let go of Nolans arms but as soon as he did he grabbed Nolan by the throat,lifting him up against a tree.  "This was the most easiest thing I ever did for Monreo." Gabe gripped Nolans throat enough to leave finger shaped bruises. "Take out the reason why we are so weak,take out the biggest piece of shit in Beacon Hills!" Nolan didn't even bother fighting back,he couldn't ever hurt Gabe and he knew it. More tears fell down Nolans face,as he felt Gabe now slam him against the tree,his head hitting the back of it hard enough that blood was left on it,then Gabe threw Nolan aside,then kicked him in the ribs a few times. Just even Gabe was about to kick Nolan again he was thrown away from him.  "LEAVE HIM ALONE." Alec stood there,eyes yellow and claws and fangs out. Nolan didn't know what was going on he was in and out of consciousness. He felt weak,he felt himself drifting away. 

Meanwhile Gabe had gotten up,holding himself. "Of course Nolan would have the mutts come for him,lucky for you so did I." Garret grabbed Alec from behind smirking with wolf bane covered gloves on. "I should of made to warn you,but whats the fun in that?" Garret was about to grab the wolfbane covered knife he had but he was stopped as he felt a sharp pain go threw him. Garret let go of Alec then fell down. Gabe grahbed the wolfbane covered knife,and before Alec could do anything Gabe stabbed it into him. Alec fell over,groaning. "Both were getting annoying,thank you I owe you one." A person with a mask on stood where Garret was standing. "So you work for Monreo now right?"  The person didn't say anything,as they grabbed Gabe. "I only work for the new demon wolf" Claws came out and went straight into Gabe. The mask thing ripped out Gabe's heart. Alec froze as he felt weak. "Take the boys and get rid of the hunters,nexted up Chris Argent." The thing spoke again. After that Alec didn't know what happened or where him and Nolan were going

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