Chapter 14

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Snooze. Snooze.

I stared at the peaceful sleeping Prince and poked his pale cheeks which still had some baby fat. He had a slight frown on his face but he showed no signs of waking up.


I sighed deeply as I watched him sleep like a baby.

I actually forgot about it… In the original novel, the Crown Prince would fall into a deep sleep after using the power of the dragon because it put a strain on his body.

Just when I was finally able to walk around, the Prince was now the one unable to move.

No matter how tired you are, do you usually fall asleep in front of the woman who aimed for your virginity?

If I ever get the chance, I should give the Crown Prince a piece of my mind on how dangerous it was to keep his guard down. Unlike me who had absolute no interest in him, if a woman saw him in a vulnerable state it wouldn't be unusual if something dark rose from the depths of her heart.

Deciding to leave the sleeping prince alone for a while, I went outside to see the sky darkening.

I wanted to go back where the Deputy Commander and the rest were but I didn't know where I was after I fainted. Furthermore, more lives were saved just by not traveling at night in the Ater forest which were heavily infested by monsters. I especially don't want another meeting with that monster again. I guess the only safe place for me right now would be with the Crown Prince, even if he was unconscious.

After I decided on a course of action, I picked up some dry leaves and branches nearby and headed back.

It was warm inside the cave, but it could get colder later at night. Luckily, I bought a set of matches in case of an emergency, although I never expected to use them so soon. I piled the branches and lit it up. Then made a makes.h.i.+ft bed out of the leaves and sat down feeling quite cozy. With this, I can comfortably spend the night here.

I put two potatoes I stashed for emergencies into the campfire to cook.

Absent-mindedly, my eyes wandered over to the Prince who was leaning uncomfortably against the wall.


I don't feel good about involving myself with him, but I also owed him for saving my life.

It would eat my conscience if I, as an adult, slept comfortably when a child lied on the cold hard ground.

Well technically, Celebi and the Crown Prince were only two years apart, but there was quite a gap between their mental ages.

I decided to move him onto the leafy bed I made. If my arms were healthy I would have no trouble moving him, but since they weren't, I could only use my left hand properly. I gave him a silent apology and clumsily carried him onto the bed.


Although he wasn't heavy and the distance was short, it took quite a lot of strength for me to move him. My whole body was covered in sweat. I gasped and looked down at the Prince who was still fast asleep.

No way, after all that and he still didn't even wake up.

He was carried off in his sleep and he didn't even notice.

You have a reputation as the world's strongest man.

Instead of the hero who slayed a dragon there was a boy so defenseless, he wouldn't say anything as some no-name stabs him to death.

"…Ugh." The Prince seemed cold as he started tossing and turning in his sleep.

I don't think I had anything to cover him up and I didn't find anything useful after searching through my satchel.

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