Gonta and Aaron

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 Gonta went all around the academy telling everyone the new word Korekiyo taught him. Eventually, he ran into Aaron. (me lol) Gonta knew that Aaron was a bit intimidated by him, so he tried not to get too close, but he was just so excited to show Aaron the new word he learned. "O-oh umm. Hey gonta." Aaron said. "Gonta learn new word. Gonta want to teach Aaron new word!" He shouted. Aaron backed away a bit. "Oh. Sorry! Gonta not mean  to scare Aaron." He said in a sad voice.

 "Whatever, don't worry about it. What was that word you learned Gonta?" Aaron asked "*N-word*." Gonta said.  Aaron was shocked at what Gonta just said to him. "C-can you repeat that real quick?" Aaron asked. "Oh sure Aaron. *N-word*." Gonta responded in a proud voice. "Gonta, who the fuck taught you that word?" Aaron asked. "Oh, Kiyo teach Gonta new word! But Gonta still no understand what it means." Gonta said. "Does anyone else know about this word?" Aaron asked. "Umm, Oh yea! Gonta show new word to everyone other than Shuichi." Gonta responded "Could you stay here for a few minutes, I need to go *talk* to Korekiyo for a while." Aaron said in a slightly angry tone. "Oh sure Aaron." Gonta said.

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