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"it really tastes good" he said and swallowed again.

"I thought I was the only one who ate hard, but why does it look different now" I said with a laugh.

"I'm just hungry, but I don't really eat like this" he said and swallowed again.

"are you sure" I answer him with a teasing tone.

"yes, cause I dont ate like you" he said with a laugh.

"so you mean I look like a pig when I eat?" I told him and he laughed again I took his food and ate it.

"That's mine" he said to me as he took it in my hand.

"it's mine, after all I'm a pig so I can eat whatever I want". I said while pouting.

He took my food and ate it, so I immediately went to his seat and pulled his hair.

"Give it to me" I said angrily.

"no, you ate mine so I will eat yours".

In my anger I pulled his hair hard and he laughed.

"why are you laughing?" I asked angrily.

"nothing, I just found it funny"  he said and laughed again.

"yahh micheo~~" I could not continue what I was about to say when the door opened, I saw seujong standing and holding a paper bag.

"Hello you two" she greeted us and smiled, I let go of his hair and went back to my seat

"Heyy babe you're her" chanyeol greeted her and immediately kissed her.

"Yes, I was just going to buy at the market and I remembered that your house is nearby so I just bought your favorite and delivered it here" she said and smile again.

"Thanks babe you're the best" he said and he kissed seujong again.

"Hi rosé, how are you" she greeted me and I immidietly stood up.

"Hello seujong, I'm fine, how about you?" I asked while smiling.

"I'm also fine"

"Come in and have a seat, amh- I think I'll go to the kitchen and prepare the food so you two can talk"

I was about to leave when she interrupt "It's okay, I'm leaving, I just delivered it"

"Are you leaving already" chanyeol asked as he's voice softened.

"yes because they need me in the office" chanyeol just nodded and pout.

"Okay I won't stop you" seujong then laughed at him.

"Heyy stop that, don't pout, I promise I'll be back when I have time" chanyeol immidietly smil at what she said.

"promise?, I will miss you" then he hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"I promise that so I'll keep it, I'll miss you too" sejong replied to him.

"Be careful, I love you" he said. Oh my god I shoudnt be here!

"I love you too, I'm leaving, I might be late for the meeting" she then kiss hkm in the cheeck and left.

She has already left, and the two of us are left here, you can see the sadness in his eyes, if it weren't for this wedding, maybe they're together now.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yes I'm okay, I'm just thinking about her" he replied and smiled at me.

"Don't worry, she promised to visit you when she has time" I said while nuzzling his back, he looked at me and smiled, I also smiled back at him and pulled him to the kitchen.

A Not So Fake Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now