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"shes passed out-"

"well yea we can see that , Ronald"

"my bad- just wanted to say it." He walked away. The steps muffled by the sleep still present in Joeys brain.

"shhh." Joey told them, sitting up. As she looked around she placed herself.

"I fell asleep in the library? Dont they have closing hours or something!?" she emphasized.

"Yes, that's why we're here. It's almost curfew and you need to be going back to your dorm rooms. Before she librarian gets angry." hermione whispered the last part.

Josephine gathered her things and lazily walked up to Ravenclaw tower before finding Cho sitting outside of the common room.

"Joey! There you are !!" Cho said excitedly.

"here i am. what's up?" She asked.

Cho stood up quickly and grabbed Jos arm beside dragging her into the common room and up the tower to their dorm.

As they walked in, Maddison was on her bed with the curtains drawn and Luna sat on the floor, facing the bed.

"What happened ?" She whispered.

"Draco did." Luna muttered.

"We were walking from the courtyard and he came up to us. I guess he was angry at someone else or something because we was red and huffing around. I accidentally ran into him and he muttered something. So Mads told him to bugger off and.." the curtain was thrown open loudly.

"He called me a Mud-Blood" Maddison wiped dried tears off of her face and stood up, "but it's fine. He can say what he wishes. it doesn't mean i'm any less worthy or magical." as she walked to the bathroom, the other girls stood there silent.

"I'll kill him." Josephine muttered before turning towards the door.

"Dont! Not tonight. Tomorrow, sure. Not tonight." Cho told her. Josephine didn't want to listen to her but she knew tomorrow the anger would die down and she wouldn't want to rip off his..

"Joey, get some sleep. You've been studying for a while." Luna told her kindly. Jo smiled at them weakly before walking over to the bathroom and knocking.

"i'm going to bed, if you need me wake me up." she told Maddison through the door before walking to her part of the room and getting ready to go to bed.


The next morning the only thing on Josephine was mind the look on Maddisons face. There was an obvious pain on her face as she got ready that morning. Luna and Cho noticed it too, none of the three said anything to her. They didn't want to make it worse.

Cho led the girls to the great hall, making sure she kept an eye out for Malfoy. No one wanted Mads to be more upset, but Cho also knew how Josephine would react to seeing him.

Jo, however, kept a sharp eye out for Malfoy. She wanted to find him. As the four entered the Great Hall, Cho went over to the Hufflepuff table whilst the other three took their seats at their own.

A loud opening noise came from the door as Draco walked in with his friends following closely. He passed by the girls knowingly with a slight smirk on his face before finding his seat at the Slytherin table.

"Joey do-" Luna tried, but it was too late. Josephine was up and halfway to the table.

She approached, hearing small giggles and whispers before pulling his shoulder, forcing him to face her.


"Are you dumb?" (a/n stupid or dumb) she said angrily.

"Josephine we have no interest of you being here."

"Malfoy your family is inbred cut the shit. You have no place to shame someone from their bloodline when your parents are third cousins. Okay? I'm sorry that the Alabamaism of your family caused you to be mentally deficient but I honestly don't care. Quit fucking with my friends. Quit fucking with everyone." She leaned over the boy. He which responded with an afraid look and a small squeal.

"yea I though so." Josephine looked up at the people surrounding Draco. The only person who caught her attention was Blaise. Who was smiling towards her, with humor and his eyes and a hushed chuckle escaping his mouth.

Joey walked back to the table with her friends to eat and prepare for the day ahead of her. Which many knew, would most likely be a long one. 


Whilst sitting through history with Professor Binns, a slight knock came from the door. The professor stopped and made his way through the door and disappearing. As he made his way back through the door, it opened. Revealing a very tired, and out of breath Slytherin. 

"Sorry to interrupt," the boy announced, " I had to give some notes to Joey," he said before rushing over to her desk.

"You ran all the way from the Green Houses to give me these?" She whisper yelled.

"I told you I'd give you the notes. Plus, Dracos been plotting his revenge on you all morning. Thought you deserved some kindness before that happened." He smiled at her before places the neatly rolled parchment on her desk and leaving the room.

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