The Mysterious Place

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The Mysterious Place

The place of my worse fears. I don't know how I got here or how long I have been here. I woke up laying on the cold floor. I look around to see I am trapped by myself in an old worn-down building. I look around to see six shut doors. I try to open and they are all locked. I am trapped in an old building that looks like a hospital. with no escape. I keep running around looking for an exit, I am lost in the endless hallways. I wander from place to place, I keep trying doors that I see in every hallway which are all locked. I can hear the wind blowing far away making the hospital sigh and groan, from the trees hitting the walls on the outside.

There are holes in the walls, covered with old decay and mold. The walls and floors stink of rot from storms that come and go. The coldness pinches my skin feeling like 10,000 needles stabbing me at once. I look for a source of warmth but everything I find to wrap around me is damp and rotten.

Finally, I find a door that will open, the feeling of relief enters my body, but it leads to a room lined with mirrors covering every inch of the walls all the way to the ceiling. The room is dimly lit just like the rest of the building. I creep in, slow and scared, the strong smell of the hospital devours this small room, no bigger than a classroom.

As I enter the room SLAM! the door behind me slams and the reflections of my pale face fill every mirror.

Ting, ting, ting ...

Far away I hear, the sound of metal clinking together ... ting, ting, ting. The sound gets louder and closer ... ting, ting, ting ... louder, moving ... ting, ting, ting ... I feel frozen and I can't get away or even moves an inch. I try to leave from the door where I came in. It's a lock I scream for help..... Nothing not even the sound of the metal. "HELP!" I try again banging on the wall with the hope for someone to come to my rescue. No one, not a thing. The room goes in complete silence only the buzzing sound of the silence and my hard breathing. Then everything goes black. I can't even see the mirrors in front of my face.

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