Another party PART 2

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"Come onnnn can we dance~" George demands. "George you drunk." Dream groans. "Sooo, I just want to dance with you" George replies. George grabs Dreams and and leads him to the dance floor. George starts dancing infront of Dream, Dream standing there, beginning to laugh.
The same boy who was touching George walked past slapping George's ass. The dude continues walking off, laughing. George stops dancing and gets really scared. "I've had enough of this bullshit" Dream growled. "Yo DICKHEAD" Dream shouts. "I FUCKING WARNED YOU NOT TO TOUCH GEORGE" Dream continues. "What will you do about it pretty boy." The boy replies. "Alright alright break it up" Quackity snaps. "Get the fuck out of here Jake" Quackity demands to the boy. "Fuck sake. Whatever" Jake says storming off. "Thanks Quackity" Dream says. "Can we go back to our gammme big Q" Sapnap complains. "Yeah yeah... I'm coming" Quackity replies. Dream turns around noticing that George is gone. "Where the fuck is he.." Dream asks himself. Dream begins searching through the crowd, looking for the small drunk boy. Dream let's out a sign when he finally finds him. "Geor-" Dream stops to notice that George.. he's dancing. George with do care, dancing, bending over. "George your skirt.." Dream mumbles. "What about it?" George smirks as he bends over more. "OK OK..." Dream quickly replies racing over to him. Placing his hands on George's waist from behind, covering George's ass with his body. "I know you like this position.." George says winking. Dream ignores George, lifting him up so he's not bending over. "Cmon, I wanna fuck..." George whines. "No George... your drunk" Dream growls. "Ugh whatever Dream..." George pushes Dream off of him, he begins walking away. Lifting his skirt up even higher, knowing that it'll piss off Dream. Dream makes his way over to George again, grabbing his wrists. Dream leads George into a corner where no one is. He lifts up George, George's legs wrapped around Dreams torso. Arms around his neck. Dream pushes them against the wall. Making out with him. Dream slides is hand up George's skirt. George let's out light moans. His eyes rolling back from pleasure. Dream stops and gets George off of him. "That's enough. I'm not going too far when you are drunk" Dream demands. "Your so boring" George complains. "We are leaving. Now." Dream growls. "What? No!" George shouts. Dream grabs George wrists and leads him outside. "Dream STOP!" George screams. George pulls back, trying to run back to the party. Dream turns around, facing George. He picks the smaller boy up bridal style. "D-DREAM LET ME GO" George continues shouting. George starts kicking and hitting Dream to let him go. "Keep doing this George, I know you want to get fucked but I will fuck you so hard you won't be able to move an INCH in the morning" Dream snaps. George stays quiet from then.
~ At the house ~
Dream enters his room, placing George onto the bed. "I don't want to sleep.." George mumbles. "I don't care" Dream growls. Dream leaves the boy in the room, closing and locking the door. "ASSHOLE" George shouts. George looks around and notices a window. He decides to climb out and sneak out of the house. Leaving pillows tucked in his bed.
A few hours the door creeks open. "George..?" Dream asks. He notices the body shaped figure in the bed. He walks over to the bed removing the covers. Typical... Dream grabs his phone and calls Sapnap. "Yo sap is George with you?" Dream asks. "Uh well.." Sapnap mumbles. "What sapnap..." Dream says concerned. "He is here at the party, his skirt is extremely high up. He has a crop top on and is dancing... on everyone" Sapnap says. "FUCK SAKE" Dream shouts. "I'm on my way" Dream says as he hangs up. 10 minute drive later, he finally makes it to the party. "GEORGE" Dream begins shouting. He finally after a long search finds him. Everyone staring him.. up and down. What can I do to keep this boy contained. He thinks. "Cmon Dream.. let the boy live" a strange voice says. "I mean.. he's hot.." The same voice continues. Dream clenches his fists but just simply walks away. "Tell Sapnap I'm going home" Dream says just before leaving.
~ The next day ~
"Dream.." A quiet voice says. Dream looks up and notices the front door creeping open. "George..." Dream mumbles. George runs in and hugs Dream tightly. Dream can't help but hug him back. Dream could never stay mad at him. "Let me make it up to you.." George whispers

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