Chapter One

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I am late to my next class but I don't even care, the only thing that is on my mind is Dylan. I wonder if I have any more classes with him. I hope and pray that I do. Before I know it lunch time comes along.

I run straight to my locker to throw my stuff in before heading to lunch. As I close my locker somebody comes up behind me and taps me on the back. I turn around just in time to see one of the school pranksters run down the hall. As I turn back to lock my locker someone Rios a sticky note off of my back. It's Damian.

"Oh, hey Damian." I say nervously. I'm just not in the mood for more drama between us.

"Hey, sorry to bother you, I just saw this sticky note on your back," he says holding up a blue sticky note with the words "Kick me" on it. "Sorry, got to go, bye." Damian says, obviously in a hurry to get to lunch. He turns and dashes towards the cafeteria before I even get the chance to say thanks.


I sit down beside Dylan. He is sitting alone at a table in the very back. He smiles at me as I sit down.

"Hey, Evelyn." He says as he sits the book that he was reading on the table. He looks so glad to see me, nobody ever looks glad to see me, only my parents. I know that sounds sad, but its not really that bad.

"Hey, what are you reading?" I ask, trying to sound as curious as possible. I'm not really a big reader. As lunch goes on he tells me all about him. He seems like the perfect guy. But just as we are walking out of lunch. Ella walks up to him and puts her arm around him and they kiss, right there in front of me. I skip the rest of the day and go home.

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