Never Ending Dream ch2 - Somniora

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     When Nina woke up she found herself this time on a bunch of pink, fluffy clouds that seemed to never end. She rolled over, felt the ground and sat up, yawning.

   "I musta been asleep forever..." She smacked her lips and looked around some more, until her eyes rested upon a girl who was dressed in a mini skirt and a very sparkly tank top, along with red five-inch stiletto heels. Her wavy golden hair was horribly messy, but it seemed that she wanted it that way.  She batted her made-up eye lids, tilted her head to the side and said, "Hellloooo. Who are you?"

     Nina jumped up, scanned her once more, from head to toe, and said, "Um...I'm...Nina. Yeah, I'm Nina."

     The girl noticed Nina's hesitations and replied, "What?"

   "Oh uh...nothing...You surprised me, that's all."

   "Oh. Well in that case, I'm Adorabelle." She held out her hand and winked. Nina shook her hand; to be polite, but showed certain reluctance.

   'Adorabelle?' Nina thought, shocked, 'What a freaky name...'

   "What an interesting name." Nina said, trying to be nice. This woman was obviously crazy, and she needed to get out of her presence as soon as possible. "Where am I?"

     Adorabelle let go of Nina's hand and threw both of her arms into the air, shouting, "Why, You're in Somniora, of course!!" Putting her arms down, she looked back at Nina and said with a smile, "You do realize that you're wearing pajamas in public, correct?"

     Looking down at her own body, Nina found out she was right. While trying to figure out how on earth she had not noticed this while she had been talking to the fairy girl, Nina looked around once more. There was nothing for miles. She didn't have much time to think about it though, because before she could say another word, Adorabelle locked arms with her and said, "Come! We'll go back to town and get you all dressed up nice in a jiffy. I don' know why you were all the way out here anyways, but that's none of my business is it?"

   "Why exactly are you out here?" Nina asked, noticing that they were in fact in the middle of no where. 

   "Oh." Adorabelle said, putting a finger up to her lips, and crossing her arms. "You know, I'm not really sure! I just felt like it, I guess. But that's lucky for you, isn't it? If I hadn't found you, you might have been out here for ages! Now, that wouldn't be very much fun, would it?" once again, before Nina could reply, Adorabelle started talking again as she dragged her of towards town. "It's this way! We should be there very soon..."

   "Oh well that's--"

   "...If we run!!!"


     Nina was now being dragged along by Adorabelle who was running so fast, that if they had anything to pass, Nina surely would not be able to any of it. She soon was able to see a small town in the distance, which was growing closer and closer as Adorabelle ran, which seemed more and more impossible the more Nina thought about her attire.

   "Is that it?!" Nina shouted to Adorabelle, who quickly responded with a loud, "YEP!"

     As they ran into town, Adorabelle didn't stop, and it looked like they were about to hit a large building when Nina shouted, "Wait!!! Stop! We'll Hit--"

     Adorabelle stopped on a dime not a foot away for the building.

   "Did you say something?" She asked, staring at Nina.

   "" Nina said faintly as she flumped onto the ground with a barely audible poof.

   "Well, okay then!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2011 ⏰

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