Chapter 31 - Scared

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a/n  Let's hear from someone we haven't before...

Teddy POV

12th July 2022

They had been at Hermione's villa for over a week now. And over that week, any trace of the bright blue that had once covered Teddy's hair was gone. He shouldn't be surprised, it had started over Easter. But it had been slow until now, Teddy had barely noticed the difference.

Until this week. The pink had taken over the blue as Rory took over his heart. Slowly, then all at once.

If Teddy was honest with himself, he liked the pink. Which made it easier to avoid telling Rory what it actually meant. It's not that he didn't want to tell him or anything, it was just... scary. He'd never felt like this before, as much was evident by his hair staying blue for years. Not to mention he was worried how Rory would react, he hadn't even known that he liked boys until Teddy came along. Teddy didn't want it to be a big deal, but it was.

Pull yourself together Lupin, you've said it before. He had said it before, to Victoire, and he really thought he meant it at the time. Looking back, he wasn't in love then, just in love with the idea of it all.

Just because he had said to someone before didn't make this any easier, and it was Rory. Amazing, shy, unknowingly funny, gorgeous, and ridiculously clever Rory. The only person who had ever made Teddy lose the natural coolness he'd been born with. From what he had heard, that was the Black in him.

It bothered Teddy that Rory never seemed to acknowledge his own brilliant qualities. Rory thought he was just... ordinary, nothing special. Just another person, another muggle-born wizard not destined for much. But Teddy knew different, Rory was good, too good for him, and he was meant for so much. Instead of wallowing in the fact that he didn't deserve Rory's pure heart, Teddy had decided months ago that he'd spend the rest of his life trying to earn it, to be enough for him.

And part of that, was telling Rory how he felt. How he truly felt. Being scared was a good thing, right?

Teddy got up from where he'd been sat, staring into space in the front room, and plunked himself down of the hammock next to Rory. He laced their hands together and leaned into Rorys ear, speaking softly but with his usual tinge of charm, "Wanna get out of here?"

He gave a grateful smile when he saw Rorys cheeks flush slightly red, Merlin he loved making him blush. Rory whispered back, not turning his head to try and hide the blush, "What did you have in mind?"

Teddy grinned further and lightly poked him in the side with his elbow, their hands still entwined, "Not that you dirty little fucker. Merlin, what happened to the sweet, innocent boy?" He saw Rorys' mouth turn up in a sly smile, 

"A certain blue-haired boy corrupted him," Rory paused, and finally turned his head towards Teddy, his gaze going from his eyes to his hair, "Well, pink-haired now."

Now it was Teddys turn to fight back a blush that would rival his hair, "He sounds charming, you should introduce me."

Rory shook his head, smiling, "What did you actually have in mind?"

"Just a little stroll round the town, you know, see the sights."

Rory raised an eyebrow, "The sights?" He was right, the town of Beaulieu-sur-mer was not a big one. They had explored every inch of it within the first few days. He tugged on Rorys arm,

"Come on, what's wrong with wanting to spend some time with my boyfriend?" Rory rolled his eyes as he stood up, but Teddy could see he was hiding being pleased. 

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