Reader Survey

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Hey everyone!

Thank you a million times for reading Conflict of Interest. Y'all keep me going, I swear. In order to make my next piece the best that it can possibly be, I want to use input from you all, the lovely readers, to really shape my writing. Whether you answer in the comments, on my board, or in my inbox, doesn't make the slightest difference. If you have the time to answer all of them or even say a few words on something you'd like to talk about, all input makes the biggest difference you can imagine. So, without further ado:

1. Genius takes time. I'm adjusting to university life, and with school in the way, I've been updating with a lot less frequency than I used to and than I would like to. I can imagine it's frustrating to be a reader and not be able to rely on steady updates, so my question is this: would you prefer I start a new piece as soon as I can and update with the same (terribly erratic) frequency, or would you rather I wait to start until I have more time (mid-May) to update with more consistency?

2. If you've read any of my earlier work (firstly, I'm sorry you had to see that) then you may have realized that both my books and my chapters get longer as life goes on. At the inception of my Wattpad career, I would write page-long chapters, and now at its longest, an update may contain eleven or twelve pages. What is the ideal length of a chapter? What can you read in a sitting while still feeling satisfied?

3. My focus as of late is to keep characters multifaceted and storylines (at least somewhat) realistic. To what extent have I accomplished this and in what areas do I need work?

4. What is an idea, issue, or subject (literally, anything) I haven't tackled that you'd like to see explored in my work?

5. If I've written a character that's spoken to you in any way, what character is it, and how did (s)he accomplish that?

6. Any other input for me? (Tell me off, now's your chance!)

Thanks again everyone, and I hope to talk to you all soon!

With the utmost love and gratitude,

EDIT: I've also come to realize that I have a very poor concept of who my audience is. If you feel comfortable sharing any personal information (even just age), that would be super helpful! 

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