22. Oh why

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so Little Miss sunshine are you excited for you know do you weeks from now you're going to be Juliet center stage in front of everybody and you just so so excited aren't you just so so excited for this I mean .
I know you spell a little Saturn easy about the court session but I'm really proud of you for you know hanging in there and and not getting upset when you know people say unnecessary things to you.

Emilie-Hey look at the one there's another note on the door there's another note that's frightening to see look it says stay away from the clues are you will be singing the blues what's that supposed to mean do you think they're onto us getting onto them for trying to solve this mystery do you think they'll be another attack a nausea waves soon .
I hope it's not Wednesday that spaghetti night.

J-Hope-don't forget the sprite too Emilie I hope not either and Maddie said she can make her Swedish meatballs and she's bringing the sprite but I am just so so annoyed with how things are going .
I'm afraid to touch any type of food the only safe way we can have spaghetti right now is if we go to ciao restaurant because I feel like somebody's trying to poison the food here it's just
I don't know I just wish I knew this person's motives and why they were trying to get out it.

Taehyung-guys not to interrupt but look there's another note saying that curtain call isn't going to be the only thing that we're cheering for and begging for more .
I think they're going to try to poison the play what do you think Maddie.

Maddie-I don't know I hope they don't wait in the play I'm really excited but I want everybody to be safe it's just well maybe if they are at the Shell maybe will have a big enough audience know that Cheyenne walk away or something I don't know but we're going to figure this out even if it kills us.

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