She gets flustered by something you do

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You were a part of the council and she always wanted you in the council room for some odd reason that you never got the courage to ask why. You were very observant and after a week of spending most of your time in the council room, you understood how she felt by how she walked, very weird right?

You noticed that she always didn't eat in the morning, and was sometimes a tad frustrated at those times, no one else noticed though.

So one day, you were cooking at your apartment when you decided to give her something too. You made the best breakfast you could make and put it on her desk before she arrived at school, which was very early tbh.

She entered the council room noticing that someone had already been there, considering that a chair was a bit nudged. It took her a while to notice that there was something unusual in her desk, she was very confused at first but when she looked at the note that read 'I notice that you get kind of cranky in the morning and assumed that you were hungry so here's a quick French breakfast for you! You seem to like talking about France so I made this! You can throw it away if you want but remember to actually eat President, yes I'm scolding you about this, Have a good day'

No one really cared about her health and her wellbeing before and no one ever scolded her for not eating so this was very new to her. She didn't notice the smile that adorned her face, nor did she notice the light blush in her cheeks as she scoffed at no one "I do not get 'cranky' in the morning y/n"


Let's be honest, this girl is always flustered by the littlest things that you got used to her flushed face a lot. You both were at their mansion again when you disappeared from her sight. She was frantically searching for you when she suddenly stopped near a cherry blossom tree and looked at you, the sight of you smiling as the sun was setting, made her cheeks suddenly become hotter than ever. Yes, she got flustered by you standing there.

"Ririka, why are you standing there? You're sweating, what happened?!"


You both were gambling, again, and the stakes were pretty high this time around so you both had a lot to lose. It was the first time that she saw you out of your usual calm and cheery demeanor as you let your gamble freak on and she was oddly flustered, that moment of her letting her guard down made you win. Let's just say that she really didn't mind.


The both of you were in another cat café and you were trying to chase a cat that you liked. The cat didn't seem to like you though, so when you finally caught it, you ran towards her and grinned, "I finally caught him Mary! See? I told you he's so cute!" you said hugging the cat and she scoffed, getting a tad jealous.

"It's not that cute," she said glaring at the cat as you pet its head and you laughed looking at her with a teasing gaze, "Don't tell me you're jealous?" you said wiggling your eyebrows and she scoffed again, her glare set on you now.

"Of course not! B- Baka!"

You smiled softly at her as you gave her a pat in the head too, "See? No harm in asking" you said before letting go and fussing over the cat again. You totally didn't notice her face being as red as a tomato and her fanning her face while her other hand touched the spot that your hand was in a while ago.


Yumi was sick today and you just so happened to be there when Terano was choosing someone who'd push her wheelchair. You quickly stood up and appeared behind her, "Mind if I do it Terano-san?" you asked her softly and she blinked for a while before nodding.

You spent the rest of the day with her, talking and eating, while also attending to her activities and obligations. She thought that you'd get bored and such but you didn't, hearing her talk, spending time with her, and actually get a feel of who she was were things that interested you.

Seeing her all business-like and everything was nice and you didn't notice that you were staring, but she did. She wondered if she had done something that made you stare, were you disgusted? Were you scared? She felt unnerved.

"Y/n-san? Why are you staring?" She asked once she was internally calmed down and your eyes widened, she braced herself for whatever answer you would give.

"You just look very attractive when you're all business-like," you blurted out and you gave her a genuine smile. Terano knows when someone is faking something too well and she couldn't see one lie in your expression, she felt her cheeks heat up at your statement.


She entered your office, actually, it was more like she barged in, and yelled at you again for not attending the meeting.

"How many times do I have to tell you! The president expects all of the council to be there" She said glaring at you. Letting out a chuckle, you sat up from your original position on the couch and looked at her, "The said president is probably conversing with her fishes again"

She scoffed and her glare became much more intense, how could someone mock the president like that! you smirked at her and laid down again.

She grabbed your collar and yanked you up, you merely raised your eyebrows at her as she berated you about how lazy and disrespectful you were. After she finally shut up, you just looked at her, "Wow, when did you get so aggressive? I get that I'm hot, but you don't have to manhandle me like this"

She blushed so hard and let go of you suddenly, making your head hit the cushion hard, you groaned in pain as she narrowed her eyes at you. "Serves you right," she said before walking out, still blushing furiously.

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