Tell me what? chapter 7

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sorry for any mistakes !

sorry for taking forever to update, i was sick then school and now this state thing i have to do for my club! i hope you like it

btw the picture i did it myself (: 

Melody POV

I waited for the bath bomb that I had to dissolve in the tub. I undressed and untied my hair. Today was an okay day, Harry went to go buy more food and I gave him a huge list. It was currently 8 pm and I knew he wasn’t going to stay long. I stepped in the bath and slowly laid down relaxing. This was I needed to relax. Liam had been angry with me for letting harry get under my skin again. I knew he was worried and honestly I was too. I don’t want my head and heart to think Harry still Loves me like he use to. There is always going to be something there but not like it use to be. I sigh looking down at my phone that lays on the ground. It was vibrating. I carefully reach for it.


“Hey!” it was vic, I knew she would end up calling me. I missed her


“How’s it going?”

“Good I guess, it was a clean the house day” I say chuckling.

“I talked to Liam.” She said in a more serious note. I bit my lip.

“About what?” I asked playing dumb.

“Melody” she laughed.

“where is he?” I sighed

“I made him go to the store” she laughed.


“Yes! I already ate like a bunch” I laugh,

“When will he be back?”
“I’m not sure, probably soon but he wont stay long” I say sadly.


“Well he’s prob going to out to party me being here doesn’t change that, so I’ll be alone watching Disney movies!

“Do you want me to come over?” she asked. I thought about it, but maybe a night alone wouldn’t be so bad. Plus I knew if she came over it would be an all nighter. I didn’t want to see harry come home wasted.

“no I’ll be okay I promise”

after 10 minutes I finally got out, I dried my body out on some clothes and wrapped the towel on my head. I grabbed my phone and walked out surprised to see harry on the bed. I smiled walking past him plugging in my phone.

“How’d it go?” I ask

“Hungry again?” Harry teased I smiled shaking my head.

“No just want to know if we have enough food for when your mom gets here” I lay on the side facing the door knowing harry would prob just lift me and move me away from his side.

“Trust me we have enough to last a year” he laughed.

“Shut up” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Any plans for tonight?”  I asked, wrapping the blanket around me, he look back at him and turned around, he started to take his shirt off and pants, he put on sweats.

“No I’m staying in” he smiles, I nod I little surprised.     

“don’t look so surprised” he laughed.

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