Dream gone wrong

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I would like to tell you about the agency currently;

When you become an agent and have powers, your pigments change - so your undertones peak out a little more. For example - my eyes would have been russet brown, but since I was born with powers the red came through and now that's their colour.

The one thing that is hard to explain is that the hair changes two. It usually effects the tips or certain sections. I think it has something to do with how the mechanics effect your body, but I'm not completely certain how that happens.

Max, or Maxwell, always asked questions. He's so curious about everything. He doesn't like answering anything and always takes in information. He can make any statement into a question, which is quite remarkable. He is tall and slightly muscular in build. His eyes are turquoise and his hair is blonde. His hair has blue tips too. His ability is strength.

Drew, or Andrew, always answers things, come to think of it I've never heard him ask a question - ever. Then again he's a walking textbook so I'm not sure if he needs to ask questions. He's African-American, also tall and muscular, and he has very dark purple hair and purple eyes. His powers is that he's a pro with technology.

Andre, is... Andre... and, is the best person ever. He is tall, thin and has tan skin, yellow eyes and dark brown hair and blonde tips. He's one of the head agents and is like a father to the three of us. He was always there for us when we needed him and walks with us through our training, on top of that he went on missions and ran errands for the others. He does so much.

We are Jr. Agents, meaning we're not "capable" of actual missions and we're not able to handle what the head agents know. The Jr's are aged up to 15, the Sr's, 16-20 and the head agents are 21+.

I understand these aging systems because I don't know how I would feel being on a mission with someone double my age and dying because of my lack of experience. I'm not joking - you learn something new everyday and you're always in training. The heads have to know so much. It would be stressful.

Since that my Grandfather is the master, I go straight from Jr. to Head though, because I'm supposed to take over the agency once he dies. My parents can't, so someone has to do it. I wish Andre could do it though, he seems more suitable for it.

* * *

My heart was racing, my face was sweaty, my stomach was hurting and my body was shaking. I felt like screaming but I just couldn't. I don't understand what was going on inside my head. I heard a faint "Adri? Adri! Are you okay?" in my left ear...

Suddenly everything stopped. Heavily breathing my bright red eyes stopped clouding over. It was Max, my practical-twin-yet-we're-not best friend. I was hyperventilating "I-I'm... f-f-fine..." I moaned between hyperventilation. "Just breathe - you'll be fine" I heard Drew, another practically-twin BFF, in the background too. I must have had a pretty bad night terror. I finally relaxed - even though my lungs hurt like heck.

I saw the faces of my brothers. Max looked at me scared whilst drew looked confused - typical. "Are you okay? What happened? Do you need help? Adri?" Max asked continuously, "Max - stop it - you're not helping the situation." Drew replied. I was still too shocked to speak. I took a deep breath, "I don't remember" I said starting to hyperventilate again. Last time I had a dream like this, I remember that people in the agency were dying and the agency was falling apart. I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing happened. I looked into Max's blue eyes and said "I'll be fine - Don't worry about me", heavily breathing. I looked at Drew's deep purple eyes and nodded, in reply - he nodded back.

I started to relax and pull myself together. I was able to answer as much as I could remember, which was not much. I don't know why I can't remember anything. I thought there should be more than this but I can't put my mind to it.

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