Peter pan #1

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Imagine: "she's not worth it" "y/n is such a slut" "I heard she was cheating on him with that one nerdy kid is she really that desperate for sex" you hear all this stuff being whispered about you as you walk down the hall. What's new though this happens everyday. Today was different though. You already knew no one cared but you didn't think it would come to this point. Spray painted on your locker was "die you slut." You ran out of the building crying. You got home grabbed your Peter Pan pen and paper (he's always been your favorite) and wrote this: "to who ever cares enough to read this: I am a lost girl heading to never land to hang out with Peter Pan. I will be happy here you see cuz it'll just be the lost boys and me. Running from Captain Hook living life as if it's out of a book. Thank you to anyone who was there for me but I can't take it anymore. Goodbye cruel world hello neverland" later that night on the news your former classmates see you drove your car off a cliff. The next day spray painted on your locker was "RIP LOST GIRL"

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