Chapter 7: a new companion

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 Valt pov

I looked around, we were in some kind of forest.

"Where are we?" Dante asked.

"I don't know," aiger says.

"Of course you idiots don't" Lui sneered.

"I don't think you have a idea either l". Aiger said back.

"Calm down you two" shu and free said breaking them up.

As the argument continued I noticed the book and Kris gave me and opened it.

Everyone looked at it. It was full of things. At the end there was a map. I looked at it.

I stare at it and look up.

"Can anyone read a map?" I asked.

"Everyone except Shu and Xavier shaked their heads."

"I could do it, I did it a lot when I was a kid," Xavier says. Taking the map from my hand.

"What about the school?" Aiger asked.

"Yeah our classmates are in trouble". Dante said.

"Well it would be better if we found help." Delta said.

"Yeah but we're in the middle of nowhere and the next town is pretty far". Xavier said.

"Then we better get going right" Shu said.

Everyone but Lui nodded.

"There is no way in heck i'm staying with you". Lui sneered.

Free tilted his head and asked "why is there a problem".

"It's none of your business" he glared.

"bet he's just scared" Aiger snickered.

"Am not I just hate you guys." Lui turns away getting his wand luinor.

Luinor decided to pop out.

"Come on Lui" it said, tugging his sleeve as he was leaving. "You don't even know them."

"Let go of me" he said, shaking his arm.

"Lui nows not the time for grudges" shu chastised, crossing his arm. " we're wasting time".

He turned around "no your wasting time. I'm not going".

"Again I think he's scared" Aiger snickered.

"Ok" Lui stormed up to him.

"Man I'm so scared" Aiger teased

Lui and aiger we're about to get in a fistfight but shu stepped in between them. Xavier held back Aiger, and Free held back Lui.

"You little, let me go". Lui struggled in Free's grasp.

"Come on Lui calm down". Luinor sighed.

"He's scary" Valtreyek whispered.

I sighed and sweat dropped "yeah".

"Ok guys we're heading that way." Xavier said.

We all followed while free carried Lui.

"Hey put me down". Lui yelled " This is absolutely stupid".

A few hours later

We were walking for hours now

"Hey guys look at this furry rock". Dante yelled

"What do you mean rocks aren't furry Dante". I asked, turning around with everyone else.

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