dababs ;]

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Y/n woke up from her super long nap on a beautiful summer day. It was one of those days where no matter where you go, the air is stick and hot. Y/n slipped out from her bed and dressed herself in a short black dress, with chains and different assecorys. Of course, y/n liked to wear open back dresses to show of her hyper realistic tattoo of her favorite artist, dababy. As she admired herself in the mirror, y/n traced her finger around the dababy-tattos face.

During her admiration of the tattoo, y/n mother Burst into the room. "Y/N!! Go get groceries you've slept all day!" Y/n didn't like her mom. She made y/n go to school and HATED her tatto. "Stop looking at that mans and that other tiny man on your tattoo and go do something with your life" her mother huffed as she stormed away.

Y/n snuck through the house, careful to not disturb her hard working father, until she finally reached the kitchen where she picked up the grocery list. As she started to head out, she remembered to slap on her blue yankees hat, just like the one dababy where.

Y/n grabbed her bike and started biking towards the grocery store, when suddenly she heard a load truck. It sounded almost like a semi but that wouldn't make sense since she was in a suburban area and just ignored it. Suddenly, a giant fucking semi rammed into her and her bike. She was left on the ground, like half dead. Through her clouded eyes she watched as the driver of the semi exited the vehicle and walked into her point of view

"Im dababy"dababy said. She died.

♡𝓼𝓮𝓶𝓲-𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 [DaBaby x Reader]♡Where stories live. Discover now