The Beginning of Everything

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Art by Ann Stokes


A dragon of time was sealed away in order to help those that come after the Age of Dragons. As there was a war between other deities that held power of the elements, life, energy, and even time itself.....


The bustle of clan life was dizzying, and disorienting, but that was just a common thing. But the reason why everyone was in a hurry is that today was a very special day.

It was the annual hatching of the new Guardians! Specifically, the dragon variants of those guardians. So every dragon was preparing for the hatching, as this was a once in a life time event to see. Though, this was almost ironic that the annual guardians where hatching on the day that war was going to start and going to change the world forever.

"Mom! Mom! Come onnn! We gotta get get good spots to see the hatching!" A young dragon spoke, more so cried out in annoyance that her mother was taking too long in getting a offering for the guardians. Every dragon was assigned to give some sort of offering to the hatchlings. The hatchlings would then, choose one of them, and that offering would then decide what kind of guardian it would be.

"Yes—I know sweetie." The mother dragon said to her daughter that was impatiently waiting next to her. "Thank you once again for finding this! I really own you one Issoda!" The mother called out as she started to fly away towards the center of the massively carved out cave that housed the entire dragon population and then some. It was a really big cave. 

There where cave paintings that were from those that came before, and the scholars that studied them deciphered many of the cave paintings that lined the walls that where in the center of the cave. The one that was most concerning was the one that depicted dragons fighting amongst the other dragons, and there were small pictures that surrounded the dragons on the paintings. The scholars could only guess, but they thought that it had meant that the Age of Dragons was coming to an end rather soon.

The Mother dragon and her daughter quickly flew past the drawings, paying no mind to them as they where focused on getting as close as possible to the chamber that held that eggs that where soon to hatch.

"We got here....just in time...thank goodness! Oh! And there are two front line seats!" She said, flying over with her daughter following quickly behind. There was another two dragons that spotted them, but the mother got to them first. She breathed a sigh of relief. 

The room quickly got crowded with bodies of dragons, of all shapes and sizes, with various wing lengths, some with their own sons and daughters, all gathered around for this special event. Two dragons came around, collecting all the offerings for the guardian hatchlings.

One dragon stopped by the mother dragon, with the daughter trying to look into the bag of other offerings, with the dragon holding the bag quickly above her sightline. She huffed, with the other dragon showing a small smile.

"May I have your offering, please?"  A smooth voice asked her. The mother nodded and gave the bag holding dragon the item in question. "Please make sure you handle it with care—I went through a great deal to get this." The mother said to the other dragon before it placed the object in question gently into the bag. 

"Of course. That would be most distasteful for the guardians to see a offering broken." The dragon replied before walking away. The two dragons then met up with one another then started making a wide circle that surrounded the nest of the seven golden eggs.

As soon as the two dragons finished making the circle full of offerings, it was at that moment that the golden shells of the eggs started breaking and cracking. 

It was time to welcome the new Guardians into the world.....

(662 words)

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