10. a shock for George and Tim

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Next morning there were lessons again—and no Timothy under the table!George felt very much inclined to refuse to work, but what would be thegood of that? Grown-ups were so powerful, and could dole out all kindsof punishments. She didn't care how much she was punished herself, butshe couldn't bear to think that Timothy might have to share in thepunishments too.So, pale and sullen, the little girl sat down at the table with theothers. Anne was eager to join in the lessons—in fact, she was eager todo anything to please Mr. Roland, because he had given her the fairydoll from the top of the Christmas tree! Anne thought she was theprettiest doll she had ever seen.George had scowled at the doll when Anne showed it to her. She didn'tlike dolls, and she certainly wasn't going to like one that Mr. Rolandhad chosen, and given to Anne! But Anne loved it, and had made up hermind to do lessons with the others, and work as well as she could.George did as little as she could without getting into trouble. Mr.Roland took no interest in her or in her work. He praised the others,and took a lot of trouble to show Julian something he found difficult.The children heard Tim whining outside as they worked. This troubledthem very much, for Timothy was such a companion, and so dear to themall. They could not bear to think of him left out of everything, coldand miserable in the yard-kennel. When the ten minutes break came, andMr. Roland went out of the room for a few minutes, Julian spoke toGeorge."George! It's awful for us to hear poor old Tim whining out there in thecold. And I'm sure I heard him cough. Let me speak to Mr. Roland abouthim. You must feel simply dreadful knowing that Tim is out there.""I thought I heard him cough, too," said George, looking worried. "Ihope he won't get a cold. He simply doesn't understand why I have to puthim there. He thinks I'm terribly unkind."The little girl turned her head away, afraid that tears might come intoher eyes. She always boasted that she never cried—but it was verydifficult to keep the tears away when she thought of Timothy out therein the cold.Dick took her arm. "Listen, George—you just hate Mr. Roland, and Isuppose you can't help it. But we can none of us bear Timothy being outthere all alone—and it looks like snow to-day, which would be awful forhim. Could you be awfully, awfully good to-day, and forget your dislike,so that when your father asks Mr. Roland for your report, he can say youwere very good—and then we'll all ask Mr. Roland if he wouldn't letTimmy come back into the house. See?"Timothy coughed again, out in the yard, and George's heart went cold.Suppose he got that awful illness called pneumonia—and she couldn'tnurse him because he had to live in the kennel? She would die ofunhappiness! She turned to Julian and Dick."All right," she said. "I do hate Mr. Roland—but I love Timothy morethan I hate the tutor—so for Tim's sake I'll pretend to be good andsweet and hard-working. And then you can beg him to let Timothy comeback.""Good girl!" said Julian. "Now here he comes—so do your best."To the tutor's enormous surprise, George gave him a smile when he cameinto the room. This was so unexpected that it puzzled him. He was evenmore puzzled to find that George worked harder than anyone for the restof the morning, and she answered politely and cheerfully when he spoketo her. He gave her a word of praise."Well done, Georgina! I can see you've got brains.""Thank you," said George, and gave him another smile—a very watery,poor affair, compared with the happy smiles the others had been usedto—but still, it _was_ a smile!At dinner-time George looked after Mr. Roland most politely—passed himthe salt, offered him more bread, got up to fill his glass when it wasempty! The others looked at her in admiration. George had plenty ofpluck. She must be finding it very difficult to behave as if Mr. Rolandwas a great friend, when she really disliked him so much!Mr. Roland seemed very pleased, and appeared to be quite willing torespond to George's friendliness. He made a little joke with her, andoffered to lend her a book he had about a dog. George's mother wasdelighted to find that her difficult daughter seemed to be turning overa new leaf. Altogether things were very much happier that day."George, you go out of the room before your father comes in to ask MrRoland about your behaviour to-night," said Julian. "Then, when thetutor gives you a splendid report, we will all ask if Timothy can comeback. It will be easier if you are not there.""All right," said George. She was longing for this difficult day to beover. It was very hard for her to pretend to be friendly when she wasnot. She could never never do it, if it wasn't for Timothy's sake!George disappeared out of the room just before six o'clock, when sheheard her father coming. He walked into the room and nodded to Mr.Roland."Well? Have your pupils worked well to-day?" he asked."Very well indeed," said Mr. Roland. "Julian has really masteredsomething he didn't understand to-day. Dick has done well in Latin. Annehas written out a French exercise without a single mistake!""And what about George?" asked Uncle Quentin."I was coming to Georgina," said Mr. Roland, looking round and seeingthat she was gone. "She has worked better than anyone else to-day! I amreally pleased with her. She has tried hard—and she has really beenpolite and friendly. I feel she is trying to turn over a new leaf.""She's been a brick to-day," said Julian, warmly. "Uncle Quentin, shehas tried awfully hard, she really has. And, you know, she's terriblyunhappy.""Why?" asked Uncle Quentin in surprise."Because of Timothy," said Julian. "He's out in the cold, you see. Andhe's got a dreadful cough.""Oh, Uncle Quentin, please do let poor Timmy come indoors," begged Anne."Yes, please do," said Dick. "Not only for George's sake, because sheloves him so, but for us too. We hate to hear him whining outside. AndGeorge does deserve a reward, Uncle—she's been marvellous to-day.""Well," said Uncle Quentin, looking doubtfully at the three eager facesbefore him, "well—I hardly know what to say. If George is going to besensible—and the weather gets colder—well. . . ."He looked at Mr. Roland, expecting to hear him say something in favourof Timothy. But the tutor said nothing. He looked annoyed."What do you think, Roland?" asked Uncle Quentin."I think you should keep to what you said and let the dog stay outside,"said the tutor. "George is spoilt, and needs firm handling. You shouldreally keep to your decision about the dog. There is no reason to giveway about it just because she has tried to be good for once!"The three children stared at Mr. Roland in surprise and dismay. It hadnever entered their heads that he would not back them up!"Oh, Mr. Roland, you _are_ horrid!" cried Anne. "Oh, do, do say you'llhave Timothy back."The tutor did not look at Anne. He pursed up his mouth beneath its thickmoustache and looked straight at Uncle Quentin."Well," said Uncle Quentin, "perhaps we had better see how Georgebehaves for a whole week. After all—just one day isn't much."The children stared at him in disgust. They thought he was weak andunkind. Mr. Roland nodded his head."Yes," he said, "a week will be a better test. If Georgina behaves wellfor a whole week, we'll have another word about the dog, sir. But atpresent I feel it would be better to keep him outside.""Very well," said Uncle Quentin, and went out of the room. He paused tolook back. "Come along into my study sometime," he said. "I've got a bitfurther with my formula. It's at a very interesting stage."The three children looked at one another but said nothing. How mean ofthe tutor to stop Uncle Quentin from having Timothy indoors again! Theyall felt disappointed in him. The tutor saw their faces."I'm sorry to disappoint you," he said. "But I think if you'd beenbitten by Timothy once and snapped at all over when he got you on thefloor, you would not be very keen on having him in either!"He went out of the room. The children wondered what to say to George.She came in a moment later, her face eager. But when she saw the gloomylooks of the other three, she stopped short."Isn't Tim to come in?" she asked, quickly. "What's happened? Tell me!"They told her. The little girl's face grew dark and angry when she heardhow the tutor had put his foot down about Timothy, even when her fatherhad himself suggested that the dog might come indoors."Oh, what a beast he is!" she cried. "How I do hate him! I'll pay himout for this. I will, I will!"She rushed out of the room. They heard her fumbling in the hall, andthen the front door banged."She's gone out into the dark," said Julian. "I bet she's gone to Timmy.Poor old George. Now she'll be worse than ever!"That night George could not sleep. She lay and tossed in her bed,listening for Timothy. She heard him cough. She heard him whine. He wascold, she knew he was. She had put plenty of fresh straw into his kenneland had turned it away from the cold north wind—but he must feel thebitter night terribly, after sleeping for so long on her bed!Timothy gave such a hollow cough that George could bear it no longer.She must, she simply must, get up and go down to him. "I shall bring himinto the house for a little while and rub his chest with some of thatstuff Mother uses for herself when she's got a cold on her chest,"thought the girl. "Perhaps that will do him good."She quickly put a few clothes on and crept downstairs. The whole housewas quiet. She slipped out into the yard and undid Tim's chain. He wasdelighted to see her and licked her hands and face lovingly."Come along into the warm for a little while," whispered the littlegirl. "I'll rub your poor chest with some oil I've got."Timmy pattered behind her into the house. She took him to thekitchen—but the fire was out and the room was cold. George went to lookat the other rooms.There was quite a nice fire still in her father's study. She and Timwent in there. She did not put on the light, because the fire-light wasfairly bright. She had with her the little bottle of oil from thebathroom cupboard. She put it down by the fire to warm.Then she rubbed the dog's hairy chest with the oil, hoping it would dohim good. "Don't cough now if you can help it, Tim," she whispered. "Ifyou do, someone may hear you. Lie down here by the fire, darling, andget nice and warm. Your cold will soon be better."Timothy lay down on the rug. He was glad to be out of his kennel andwith his beloved mistress. He put his head on her knee. She stroked himand whispered to him.The firelight glinted on the curious instruments and glass tubes thatstood around on shelves in her father's study. A log shifted a little inthe fire and settled lower, sending up a cloud of sparks. It was warmand peaceful there.The little girl almost fell asleep. The big dog closed his eyes too, andrested peacefully, happy and warm. George settled down with her head onhis neck.She awoke to hear the study clock striking six! The room was cold now,and she shivered. Goodness! Six o'clock! Joanna the cook would soon beawake. She must not find Timmy and George in the study![Illustration: Then she rubbed the dog's hairy chest with the oil]"Tim darling! Wake up! We must put you back into your kennel," whisperedGeorge. "I'm sure your cold is better, because you haven't coughed oncesince you've been indoors. Get up—and don't make a noise. Sh!"Tim stood up and shook himself. He licked George's hand. He understoodperfectly that he must be quite quiet. The two of them slipped out ofthe study, went into the hall and out of the front door.In a minute or two Timothy was on the chain, and in his kennel, cuddleddown among the straw. George wished she could cuddle there with him. Shegave him a pat and slipped back indoors again.She went up to bed, sleepy and cold. She forgot that she was partlydressed and got into bed just as she was. She was asleep in a moment!In the morning Anne was most amazed to find that George had on vest,knickers, skirt and jersey, when she got out of bed to dress."Look!" she said. "You're half-dressed! But I _saw_ you undressing lastnight.""Be quiet," said George. "I went down and let Tim in last night. We satin front of the study fire and I rubbed him with oil. Now don't you dareto say a word to anyone! Promise!"Anne promised—and she faithfully kept her word. Well, well—to thinkthat George dared to roam about like that all night—what anextraordinary girl she was!

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