Recovering slowly

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Years had passed, and (country name) had became independent. She was a very peaceful island, and her people we kind unless they were threatened, and she had gone to war several times and ended up becoming a fragile country. Today, she was going to her third world meeting, and she's missed many.

She slowly walked in with a blank look on her face, finding her seat and sitting down, laying her head on the table. "Oh, hey there (y/n)! You okay there?" Arthur came over and asked her, she nodded, "I'm still a bit, uh, sore from my wounds. My arm was broken again so, you gotta cut me some slack." She felt a hand pat her head, she turned and saw it was Lovino, a smile appeared on her face.

"Lovi! S'up?!" She picked her head up and blushed as her best friend and slight crush had growled at the name. "Well, I was doing just-a fine until you-a called me that horrible nickname!" The girl giggled and stuck out her tongue in a playful way as she said "I know you well enough to know what you mean! You like that nickname!" She laughed as Lovino shook his head furiously and blush like crazy, "d-don't-a use those words like-a that! Idiota!"

"The meeting's starting! Go sit down." Lovino growled and headed to his seat as Alfred started speaking. "Before we start off this meeting, I wanna welcome back (country name)! She's recovered from the wars and she's back in action!" everyone clapped for the now blushing (s/t) girl. The rest of the meeting finally started..

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