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Warnings: nsfw, cockwarming, praise?, The reader was called a brat?, Idk what other warnings to put so tell me what's needed

You sighed loudly, slumped on the couch. Kunikida was sitting at his desk in front of his computer, keyboard clacking as he worked on something for the agency. He had been working nonstop all day, leaving you bored and restless. You were starting to get quite irritated, actually. "When will you be finished?" you whined quite childishly.
"Just a little while longer, dear. I appreciate your patience," he said distractedly. You huffed and pouted, crossing your arms while trying to think of a way to pass the time. You grinned slightly as an idea popped into your mind. You stood up and walked over to him, casually sliding yourself onto his lap so that you were straddling him, arms wrapped around him and head kept out of the way. He smiled softly. This wasn't the first time you had done this. Whenever he had to work for this long, you always ended up cuddling him on his lap. You sighed, finally getting the attention you'd been deprived of all day. You two sat in silence, aside from the click-clacking of his fingers pressing the buttons on his keyboard. Curious, you glanced back at the screen to see what he was typing, but honestly you found it very uninteresting. Your eyes wandered down to his fingers moving back and forth on the keyboard as he typed. Somehow, the swift movement of his fingers caused something to stir within you, and you began to feel heat build in your lower areas. You turned back to your lover and rested your head on his shoulder once more. You tried to ignore the aching arousal you felt, not wanting to distract him, but eventually it became too much. You began by kissing him along his neck, and he hummed softly in response. But when you nipped at the sensitive spot on his neck, he nudged you gently away. "I need to focus," he grumbled, to which you responded with a huff and a pout, resting your head on his shoulder again. You sat still for a few moments, before you began to grind on him a bit. His eyebrows furrowed and he pushed his glasses up. "(Y/n), what did I just tell you?"
"Mmmm but i need you,," you mumbled into his neck, letting out a sigh of frustration. He stayed quiet for a moment, continuing his typing. You thought that he'd decided to just ignore you, but then his typing stopped and you felt his hands on your hips. He shifted you a little so he could undo his belt and pants, pulling out his half hard cock. Your face lightened up as he slid your bottoms down and tossed them onto the couch. Soon enough, he allowed you to sink onto him, the both of you letting out soft groans. You pressed your lips against his and eagerly began to move your hips, but he pulled away and tapped your thigh. "Stay still, I still need to work." you looked confused for a second, whining when you realized what he was implying. "If you're going to be a brat about it, I could just make you go sit back down on the couch," he spoke sternly. You huffed and buried your face in his neck again. It took all of your willpower and more to keep yourself from moving. At one point, he shifted in his seat to get more comfortable, the movement causing your breath to hitch. Your grip tightened on his arms, desperate for friction. After an agonizing amount of time, you felt Kunikida's hips roll against yours and you let out a breathy moan. "I'm done with work. You've been such a good kitten for me~" he said gently, beginning to guide your hips up and down as he thrusted slowly into you. Your breathing began to get heavier as your hips moved, and you moaned into his neck. For the most part he was quite, letting out a few soft groans here and there as he thrusted into your hole. You lifted you head to look at him, and he immediately pulled you to his lips in a passionate though rather sloppy kiss. You trailed kisses down his neck as his thrusts began to speed up, loud moans being forced from your throat as his dick hit that sensitive spot in your core repeatedly. You held him close to you and bit down on his neck, causing him to growl in your ear as your hips pressed together and the both of you reached your climaxes. Waves of pleasure slammed through you, causing your eyes to roll back as you came. You chuckled breathily as you came down from the high. "You seemed more desperate than me~" you teased. He huffed in response. "I love you, kitten. You were so good today," he said, planting a kiss on your forehead.
"I love you too, darling."

(A/n): again, kinda ooc. Hella fun to write though. I feel like it's a bit choppy, and the descriptions aren't great, but other than that, I don't hate it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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