(1) Who You Really Are

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Hinata Shoyo was always so energetic. It was like he was a storage bank of all the world's power. He was always asking for "just one more Kageyama-Kun!" and how could Kageyama deny him. He was angelic and beautiful. Loud, bold, and far from innocent because of his time spent with Tanaka and Noya, Hinata always did his best in athletics. School was an entirely different story. He tried, he just was never good at anything in school. 

Kageyama was so different, and yet so similar to the bright little sunshine. He was often seen as mean, cold, blunt, and snarky. He wouldn't necessarily deny this, but it certainly wasn't all there was to him. He had a deep dear of being disliked or mistrusted, which made him not want to be close to people in the first place. He was not the greatest communicator which caused him to be blunt and cold. He wants to be at peace, but he can't achieve it no matter how hard he tries.

The two did have some things in common. They were both atrocious in academics, they loved volleyball to death, and of course, their freak quick. That attack was their pride and joy, almost like a child that they raised. 

"Bakageyama!" shouted Hinata. "Come here and give me another toss!" Kageyama always wondered where all of that damn energy came from. He could never refuse; Hinata always convinced him one way or the other. "Why do you always ask me. Go ask Sugawara or some shit," He said quietly, trying to slink away. Everyone had gone from the gym, since practice was over, except for Daichi and Suga who were cleaning up the gym. "Just give him a toss, Kageyama. He'll calm down and go home after a bit," Sugawara said calmly. 

Kageyama always wondered how Suga had that amount of calmness and patience with that loud idiot. "God damn you Sugawara," he grumbled as he walked slowly towards the net where Hinata was standing, bubbling around like popcorn kernels that are just about to pop. 

He grabbed a ball out of the cart next to him, and set it up for Hinata, just how he likes. It was just the right combination of height, speed, and direction. He set it into Hinata's path, just as he started to jump up to the net. He was tiny, but he had so much more power than his opponents. And just like that, the ball was slamming into the court on the other side of the net. 

"Happy now idiot?" Kageyama bluntly sniped. He was emotionally exhausted, and just wanted to go home and sleep. "I'm not giving you another damn toss so I hope you're happy."

"Suga-San's tosses just aren't the same as yours StupidYama-Kun," Hinata piped happily. They were fighting again, but it was all just friendly fighting. It has been a few months since the last time they properly fought. Neither of them can actually remember what it was over in the first place. 

"Then deal with it dumbass, I don't want to toss to you until I sleep and come back to this hellhole in the morning."

"Fine then idiot."


After leaving the club room and putting his things away, he started his walk home. He always loved to walk: it calmed him down especially after a stressful day of school and volleyball. He didn't have a good day today. He understood his classes less and less every day. He just felt like a big blubbering idiot that nobody wanted. He constantly felt like a disappointment to his family, and since his grandfather died, he was never really accepted for being as involved with volleyball as he is. His grandfather was the only one who believed in him. His thoughts spiraled down and down until he stopped at his front doorway, and creaked the door open. 

"Tobio! You're here! I was wondering where you went!" shouted his sister Miwa. He quickly glanced around to see if his parents were downstairs, which they weren't. "Oh go fuck yourself Miwa. Do you know how overwhelmed I've been today. You never bother to think before you come here and shout as soon as I walk in the door. Shut the fuck up for one damn second," Kageyama sniped at her. She knew he was snappy most of the time, but she's never been berated like this. She was hurt, but shrugged it off and walked away silently. 

Kageyama's thoughts were spiraling lower and lower as the night progressed. He sat in the corner of the wall and the bed, and wallowed in his own self hatred. He was everything his parents didn't want: he was stupid, bitchy, tries too hard, never knows when to stop, and could never control himself. Why did the team even fucking like him. All he did was bitch and fight with everyone about the tiniest things. 

He didn't want to eat because it was too late. He probably should have already been asleep, but look how that worked out. He begged for sleep but it never came. All he wanted was for everything to be over, but life trudged on regardless of his feelings. 


Kageyama hoped some sort of relief would come in the morning, but it didn't. It's Thursday today. Come on Tobio get your ass out of bed and get to school, is what he told himself in his head. He was so cold and so tired. He couldn't do this today. 

He was late for morning practice. Great. And of course, Hinata, Noya, and Tanaka had to be screaming about random shit again. 

"Could you three shut the fuck up," Kageyama said quietly. His head was starting to hurt. What a start to the day. 

"Oh would you stop it. Not this early in the morning," Daichi said. 

Kageyama had never wanted to disappear more.


word count - 984

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