chapter 3: the perfect surprise

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la singorna pov:

every since i was a small childe i have had disdane in my hart for ginger "people." i have always known they are unnnatural and should be illiminated. growing up, i had a friend named childe who was a ginger. I always tol dhim he should get rid of his horrible orange hare but he told me it was natural and he shud be abol to lvoe himself.
when i herd child was going to bason, i was enraged. how culd someone like him spred his decease to innocent basilisks.  not to menshun, childe is gay which is against the bieble and rong. when he told me i was disugusted, i toed him this was weong but he told me it was nautral and i was a bad person for thinking he was going to the underworld.

in brazel, i saa that child was with an older man. the too of them seemed happy but i knew it was wrong so it did not mater. i follows them around and i see the older goth man proporse to the copper haired, aquamarine colored eyed, tall man with his elaboate outfit and beautifully crafted mask resting upon his rust colored locks. the amber haired man accepted the porposeul and the raven haired man seemed overjoyed.

i had seen enough. this was rong!!!! how could the citizsems of brazil let thrm get away with their sinful homosexual acts??????


I wass very very very very nervous and there qwas a good reason too i was going to show childe my son he did not know thay i Had a son and I didn't know how to tell him I hope he does not think lesser of me because i have a son. He was adopted anyways so hopefully it does not change his opinion much.

"childe, baby i need to tell you something i am a father" i was very nervous i was almost crying. Childe looked at me in surprise, "oh my angel do not worry that doesnt change anyrhing i love children"


I opined the door to the appointment and i sad "hi son im home and their is a suprise"
My sun said "Shut up, dad." from his rome he must be on his ipad

"Shiao please come i will make yuo almond tofy nuggets later"   the almost nocturnal teenager emerged from his room. "What's the surprise?" He asked.


i haf been so nervus to meet zongli's mail offspring. when i    herd his raspy voice i knew it was time to emerge from the coat closrt and meat him, "hello Shiao i am Childe, i am engaged to your father."

"Okay. Do you play COD?" he ast yes i said. "Will you buy me the PS5?" this childe is a brat!!! "Zhonil yuore little boy is terible he is askeng my to get him the p es four and he has none me for to minutes"

xongli looked at ziao "do not be rude to him he will be yuore step farther soon. i did not raise you to be like this and i did not carry yuo in my stomack for 12 months for this" "Sorry, Dad. Sorry, Childe. I didn't mean to be rude."

"sorry about him baby he is only 14."

"i feel liek we have gotte noff on the wrong foot. Shiao you and i shuld go take a walk while xhongli gets everything ready for lounch ok?" "Okay."

i am still not over how beautifuk brailz is. the entire city was so bright and pretty. "so xiao-"
"If you do anything to hurt my dad I will murder you in cold blood. And it will hurt."
i was souprised by his agressiveness.

" do not worry i would neevr do anything to hurt you're dad he has made my life so much butter i tell him

he looks at me skeletially. "Are you sure?" Yes i am more shore than anything ever befour in my life" i tell him.

he knods at me, aproving. soon we go back inside. zongli has made us salad because he is a vegan. i noteced that zongli was eating more than usual at lunch but i didnt wont to be rude nd point it out .

xiao actully semed like a very nice kid. he eight all of his vegytables without complacent. "Hey, Dad Two could you pass the salt?"

oh my gosh!!!!!!! did he just call me dad?????????!!!!!!1 i passe him the slate. zhongli looks sedimential. i feel touched, he must alreddy cAre about me.

soon i was helping the child wash the dishes. he seeme d consecutive. "You're actually super cool, Childe. I don't mind having you as a step father, but what I said earlier also applies. You better not hurt my dad."

i noded. "I wood never."

when we finished, zongli aked to talk to me. i said goodbye to xray and headed outside to talk to zonnegli. i knoticed he seemed out of breth.

"are yuo okay angel?" "well,,,,,, i actally need to tell yuo something....."

he gently putted his stomack. "i think....., ,, , i am pregarant"

that was the last thing i herd before the world went black.


when child paasse d out i was upset. i thot he wood be exited. "ziao!!" i caled, i knew ic couldnt carry him back by myself because of the baby in my belly.

xiao emerged from the household and helped me to carry childe back. He knew that I was pregrant because I had told him when i found out.

"I guess you really surprised him, huh?" "yeah i guess so"

xiao went into the kitchen and pulled iceubes out of the freizer. then he filledup a glass with freezing cold wate.r he dumped it onto childe's apricot colored hair. his cobalt eyes quickly opened, and he sat up so quickly I was afraid he would pull a musle.

"wWhat happened????" he aked, looking around frequently. "i tpld you about the baby the in my tummy and you passed out" i toed him, sumwhat satly.

"im so sorry angle you just took me by suprise, i wasnt exprecting that."

his ultramarine eyes pleaded for forgiveness from me, and how could i refuse them? "its okay babey i understand it is sort o f sudden..."

"so xiXao nows?" "Yes he does."

said xiao came up to them, looking unempressed. "I assume Childe is okay with the baby, right? If not, I won't hesitate to go get my polearm and blow him off the continent."

"nonon i am fine with the baby i was just so surprised and happy, ibe always wanted to be a farther i just didnt think it woud happen so quickly... htis is amazing though" he kissd zongi on the moth.

xaoi seemed context, smiling. they were going to be a happy family of fore soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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