1. How do you put a crocodile in the freezer?
Its a baby crocodile, just put it in.2. How do you put a dog in the freezer?
Take the crocodile out and then put it in the freezer.3. It was the Lion King's birthday party that day, which animal didn't go to his party?
The dog in the freezer.
4. There were 500 people on the plane, 1 man jumped, how many people are there now?
Still 500. The man didn't jump OFF.
5. There were 500 bricks on the plane, 1 brick fell off, how many bricks are there now?
6. There was an old woman who wanted to cross the lake of the crocodiles, there was no way around it, no bridge. She is a good swimmer, how did she get across?
She swam across because all the crocodiles went to the Lion King's birthday party.7. Halfway across the lake, she died. Why?
She got hit by the brick that fell off the plane.The End.