July calendar

148 8 13

The author: Today is 1st July, Happy birthday, Bell 🥳🥳🥳

Bell: Thx Author chan (Hug Author chan) Where is my birthday cake

The author: Well.....Basara is make you birthday cake

Basara: Bell...here is your birthday cake (Hold Bell birthday cake)

Bell: Wow...it so beautiful (Hug Basara) Thx

The author: (Hold the birthday cake) Wow.....

Rashad:Hi author chan

The author: Hi, Rashad

The author: Here is the calendar

The author: Here is the calendar

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The author: You bey is here

Basara: Yeah

Bell:The cake is delicious

The author: 😅😅

Rashad: I want my birthday cake

The author: Your birthday is early than me one day.......Can't believe you and Bell same birthday months

Rashad: Yeah......

The author: Hope you guys love this calender 😊😊

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