Chapter One: First Impressions Are Important

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It was Thursday night. It was the night before SacAnime, the three day anime convention in your hometown. You had just recently gotten into anime earlier that year and you were excited to meet other people who were fans of anime as well. You were also itching to meet some of the voice actors from your favorite animes. You knew for a fact that Sean Schemmel, who voices Goku in Dragon Ball Z, would be a guest there. You lived about twenty-five minutes from downtown, which was where the convention was being held and you decided you didn't want to drive that far each day. So you stayed at a hotel across the street from the convention center.

You were rushing around your room, frantically trying to finish packing. Making sure you had everything you needed for the three day weekend. "Crap, I can't find my wig." You said aloud. You dug around a bit more and found it lying on the top of your dresser underneath a sweater. You threw it in your suitcase, grabbed your phone and car keys and headed out the door. It was a beautiful day out, so you rolled down the windows and cranked up the radio. As you headed downtown, you thought about how this weekend was gonna go and you were so excited to meet some new people and hopefully, make some friends. As you pulled up to the hotel, you saw the parking lot was full of cars and assumed they were here for the convention. It was a pretty popular one and people from all over the states came to participate.

You finally found a parking spot, hauled your stuff inside and went over to the check in desk. "Hi, I need a room for the weekend please." You said to the lady at the desk. "Of course!" She said with a chirp in her voice. "Can I get your name please?" "It's Y/N." She typed something into her computer for a moment and looked back up at you. "And when will you be checking out with us?" "Sunday evening." "Okay, I just need a credit card to keep on file so we can process your payment." You reached into your purse for your credit card and slid it across the counter to the woman. She typed some more information into her computer and reached for a small packet. "Okay Y/N, you're all set hon. This here is an information packet that will let you know about local restaurants and what time all the facilities close." She slid the packet over to you. "Your room number is 501 and you're on the fifth floor." She handed you your room key and smiled at you. "Thank you so much!" You replied.

Grabbing your suitcase, you headed for the nearest elevator. Once you reached your room, you set your suitcase next to the nightstand and laid across the bed; stretching your arms above your head. "Ahhh." You sighed out loud. You got up and sauntered over to the window to check out the view. Your room was overlooking the pool and beyond that, was the city. This is just what I needed. You thought. You had been stressed out so much lately and needed an escape. You unpacked your suitcase, taking out your cosplay and hanging it in the closet so it wouldn't wrinkle. You were cosplaying as Asuna from Sword Art Online and you had the entire outfit prepared, right down to the wig. You were so excited to dress up and walk around the convention center, meeting other cosplayers. "Okay, let's freshen up and then I'll walk around for a bit." You hopped in the shower and just as quickly got out. Feeling very refreshed, you threw on some clothes, combed out your hair and headed downstairs.

You decided you wanted to grab some dinner, so you headed outside the hotel and walked around downtown to find something. Walking into the nearest restaurant, you sat yourself at the bar and ordered a drink. You scrolled through your phone for a while and had a quick bite to eat. You thanked the bartender and walked out into the street. The sun was setting over the city and it looked simply stunning. It was getting late and you decided to head back to your hotel. You walked back to your room and put on some comfy sweats. Collapsing into bed, you fell into a deep slumber as soon as your head hit the pillow.


You woke up to the screaming of your alarm. Sitting up, you looked at the clock. It read 9:00am. Groaning, you rolled out of bed and your feet hit the cold floor. You made your way into the bathroom to start your morning routine. You grabbed the Asuna dress from the closet and slipped it on, as well as the blonde wig. Making sure you had everything you needed for the con that day, you walked out of your hotel room and made your way to the elevator. Once downstairs, you hustled out the main doors and walked across the street. The con wasn't supposed to start until noon. You looked down at your phone, the clock read 11:00am. You still had an hour to kill, so you went to go pick up your con badge. You found your way inside the convention center and saw groups of people already lining up for different activities. Scanning the main hall, you were taking in the sights and cosplayers. There were so many different characters from all kinds of animes. Even if there was multiple of the same character, they each had their own twist on it and that's what made it unique.

The main hall opened it's doors and hundreds of people flooded in. There were hundreds of booths that were selling merch from different animes. There were tables for meet and greets, signings and photo-ops. You wanted to walk around for a bit to get a feel for the place so you wouldn't get lost. You grabbed a program for the days events from an employee, and looked down to see when the panel for the voice actors was starting. As you were walking and looking down at the paper in your hand, you barreled into the back of someone standing in front of you. The stranger slowly turned around to face you, and you could feel your face turn tomato red. This is not the impression you wanted to make on the first day of the convention.

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