"Family talk and ghost fighting"

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Up in the air of Amity Park, it seemed pretty. The sunset was setting and the birds flew through the orange sky. But there was one thing in the sky that wasn't a bird, or a plane. It was a ghost. It was the famous ghost hunter, Skulker.
He flew through the clouds searching down to the mortal people. "Hmm, where is he?" He said. "Where could the ghost boy be?"
He searched for Danny but couldn't see any sight of him. He was using his ghost detector. Just then, the ghost detector began to go crazy. It was sensing Danny's presence. "He's near." He continue to follow his ghost detector and saw the location he's at.
He grinned. "So he's in Nasty Burger eh?"
Nasty Burger wasn't full of a lot of people. There were only four groups of people in there, including the Fenton and Turner family. The family were separate spots. The adults were on one table, while the kids sat on the other table. The adults think it'll help the kids get more acquainted since they haven't seen each other in years.
"You mean there were two ghosts name Danny?" Daran said. "Now that is definitely scary."
"Yeah. That's why I said immediately "I'll save you son". It would just be confusing." Jack said. "What I don't understand is why Danny didn't shoot the ghost in the first place."
"Oh Jack, you know he made a mistake and shoot the wrong way. Like you said he went on the left of the ghost." Maddie said.
"I remember back in our day when we tried being ghost hunters." Susanne said. "We were terrible at it."
"Oh you weren't that bad." Jack said.
"No really." Daran said. "People in Dimmesdale actually wanted to kill us."
Where the children were sitting at, there were mostly teens and Timmy was only a kid. Jazz mostly sat next to him while Danny and Tucker at in front of them. Sam remained on the table behind Danny and Tucker. It was quiet and awkward at their table. The teens didn't really say much. Tucker was just stuffing his face of a nasty burger happy. San didn't really eat much. Surprising the adults allow Tucker and Sam to join the family reunion and they're not related.
The silence was probably driving everyone crazy, cause then, Sam finally spoke "So Timmy, where you from again?"
"Dimmesdale." He answered not looking up. He was a bit nervous since Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof weren't with him.
"Are you a trouble-maker or a good kid?" Tucker asked.
Sam and Danny looked at him confuse of why he asked that. "What? Just asking. Never seen Danny's little cousin before."
"Well uh..."
"Timmy is mostly certainly a good kid." Jazz spoke. "He may be little and get picked on by being a a laughing stalk, he knows what he's doing and passing his grades. There's no way he's a bad child to this family."
"... What she said."
"Not really." Danny mumbled.
Apparently his mumbled seem it be a little louder than he thought cause Jazz gave him a face. "Really Danny?"
"What? It's true."
"It is so not."
"Since when are you a hundred percent sure that Timmy is a good kid?"
"It's call talking to mom and dad for once. They talk about him all the time. Besides ghosts."
"We'll I don't say he's such a good kid if he's always lying."
Timmy began to get offended. "I don't lie." He said.
"Uh, yeah you do."
"You only think that because I lied only once when dad's drink spilled on your head and I said it wasn't mean. I stop lying."
"That's why you always make up excuses and pretend to not know what's going on?"
"Oh really? Name one time that actually happen."
"Let's see. You lied when aunt Susanne saw there cats in the house since she's allergic to them and you lied to uncle Daran that you meet let go of any black cats to make aunt Susanne sick."
Timmy remember that one time and remember how big mrs. Turner got when there were cats. "Okay just once. But..."
"Or the time you threw up in Jazz's new backpack when you visit us when we were in school, but you told her the boy with the lollipop did it."
Jazz gasped as Timmy shook his hands basically telling him to not say that. But as he did that, Jazz said "I slapped him in the face five times for that and got in detention for that."
As much as bad as it's getting, Sam did her hardest not to laugh. Timmy began to feel embarrassed that Danny was saying all the lies he's done.
"That doesn't..."
"Or the time you stole my math quiz that I got a hundred and replaced it with your failing one you got back in your own hometown."
"Okay look, I said just one time." Timmy said immediately.
"But it's pretty good that he's telling us." Tucker said trying not to laugh either.
"Not so funny now that everyone knows you're a liar huh?"
"Listen, you don't know the things I'm going through."
"Oh please. That's the oldest trick on the book. There's nothing me and Jazz, or even Sam or Tucker have went through that is causing you problems."
"There's probably bullies involved with the problem." Tucker said.
Danny gave him face. Kinda of saying shut up.
"What? That's everywhere."
"I don't lie about everything. I just..."
"What? What's one thing you haven't lied about huh? Tell us. Be honest."
"Yeah." Jazz said pretty mad. "Is there anything that we haven't learn about you?"
Timmy was silent for a moment. He may have lied stuff before, but most if them are because of Cosmo and Wanda. If he says something about them two, he'll lose them forever and will be depress again like almost any other kid.
Then teens stared at the nine-year-old, making him more nervous than before. What could he say? What's the one thing he needs to be honest about without involving Cosmo, Wanda, or Poof?
"Well.. Uh..."
"We're waiting." Danny grinned, knowing his own cousin lied. But just as he grinned, his ghost senses appear.
Just then, the lights came out and there were screaming going on outside. The ceiling had a crash from something, and made parts of it fall to the ground. Just then, Skulker appear with an evil grinned. "Found you."
"Ee gag!" Daran said. "Ghosts!"
"Not to worry!" Jack said. "We must go to the RV to stop it! Follow me folks!" Then he, Maddie, Susanne, and Daran ran outside to hurry to the ghost RV.
The teens remain inside.
"Oh man." Danny said. "Not Skulker."
Tucker and Sam know that there's no way that Timmy could know his secret, so Tucker came up with the best thought he had. "Hey Timmy. Why don't we hide in the restroom?" Then they were both hiding in the men's room.
"Smart." Sam said.
"Well it's better than nothing." Danny said. Seems Jazz already ran off. "I'm going ghost!" Then he began his transformation. His black hair became white as snow, his outfit of a teen changed into a ghost costume, and his blue eyes changed into ghostly green eyes. Then he flew, non stoping, to Skulker by elbowing him back into the sky. Just then, him and Skulker were in the air.
"So Skulker," he said. "What brings you back this time?"
"Simple. You, as my target." Then outta nowhere, he made his ghost net appear and let it capture Danny. It tied him up good. "As soon as your powers stay down, you won't remember a thing."
"Oh I don't think so." Then Danny broke the ropes of the ghost net and flew to fight Skulker.
Down on land, Tucker and Timmy walked outta the bathroom done with their business. As much as Timmy hates to notice it, he realized Danny wasn't around. "Hey, where's Danny?" He said.
"Uh... Bathroom as well?" Tucker couldn't think of anything.
Just then, the Fenton RV drove in the Nasty Burger, and the front door open showing Jack sitting in the front. "Come on Timmy!" Without him answering, he grabbed the kid and drove into the sky.
Danny and Skulker continued their fight with lasers shooting out.
"Remember when you wanted to try out the Fenton RV?" Jack said.
"No. Not really." Timmy answered.
"We'll nows your chance."
They flew more and more higher above the two ghosts. Timmy watched the fight from above and was amazed. Nothing crazy like that has ever happen in Dimmesdale. "Man I should have brought my video camera."
"Indeed you should have."
As Timmy watched from above, he didn't realized he turned on the ghost voice audio to where they could hear ghosts. As he watched, he could hear them both.
"I think it's best you stay out of Amity Park." Danny said. "It's already bad enough."
"Why? Is it because you're having problems with your teen self?" Skulker said.
"No. Protecting Amity Park and having family problems is bad enough."
"We'll just see about that."
They continued their fight.
Timmy then just realize two things. One: a ghost is actually trying to protect Amity Park and not be evil,
And Two: the ghost sounds like his cousin's voice.
Skulker pop out his laser gun and shit at Danny's arm causing a lot of blood. He could barley move it.
"Oh no." Sam said as she and Tucker watches the fight. "He shot Danny."
"Now..." Then Skulker brought out another ghost net and began to swing it. "Any last wor..." But then he was interrupted by a green laser and was flying into a sigh that was far away. He could barley move. Danny looked and saw it was his father and cousin in the Fenton ghost RV. One of the guns were out.
"Alright Timmy." Jack began to lock the target on Danny. Then he grabbed Timmy's hand and made him hold a part of the shot gun. "Make your uncle proud and shoot that ghost down."
Timmy didn't know this was a good idea. Danny couldn't move. He knows the gun will shoot a perfect shot.
Just with no luck, Timmy shot the laser gun and the laser pop out to shoot the ghost boy...

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