No #8 The Chase

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[B/N's PoV]

It was finally the end of the school and i really want to go home. I don't even care if i don't get my pen back from Cheng. I was walking fast and keeping my head down while i grip my bag. May texted me that she already went home with Harry. I texted Dre and he said he already went home also.

"Hey B/N!" i heard a familliar voice. I knew it was Cheng. I didn't hesitate to run "B/N!!" I heard him shout. I turn to my right and kept running. I look back to see him and his friends running towards me "Holy.." i didn't finish what i said and turn my head back on the front so i wouldn't hit someone

I saw a huge building. It looked like a Karate school or whatever they call it. It was a good thing there wasn't a lot of cars in the road so i quickly ran to the building

[Cheng's PoV]

"Why did he run?!" I exclaimed while i breathed heavily "He's goddamn fast!" Liang said. I ran as fast as i can. Then, we all stopped and saw him going to our dojo. I shook my head and smirked while breathing heavily "He just went to the place that we were gonna take him" i said. All of my friends was leaning on the wall while breathing heavily and then they looked up. They snickered

"Let's go" i said and we all walk to our dojo.

[B/N's PoV]

I stopped running while i lean on the wall and looked at the corner if they were gone. I was catching my breath. My breathing began to steady and i sighed then went back facing the front "They might be still looking for me. I'll stay here for awhile" i said to myself. Since i'll be here for a while, why not explore?

I looked at the huge field. Students in the school was either practicing or playing. They were all wearing red karate uniform. I walked around the place and looked around in awe. I stumbled upon a room. In the middle, it has a huge platform and some posters on the wall. I saw a man sitting in the platform while drinking in his water bottle

I stopped looking and thought maybe Cheng and his friends has gave up looking for me. I turn around but i bumped into someone. I looked at them and saw the people i've been avoiding

Cheng and his friends

They were looking at me in a smug expression. Cheng was smirking at me while My eyes widened. I'm so goddamn stupid! Why did i went to a karate school?! Of course they would be learning in this place

I quickly tried running away from them but one of his friends grabbed my arm

"Why me?" I muttered on my breath and his friend drag me inside the classroom while gripping my arm.


"Cheng, this is the boy?" He spoke i saw Cheng nooded his head 

I was inside the classroom while a man, i think that's his teacher, stood in front of me

"Very well" the teacher said and then looked at me "What's your name?" He asked me and i sighed "My name is B/N L/N. I just moved here yesterday with my friend and his mom, my sister and my dad" i answered and i put my palms together like a prayer and bowed. I will still respect him since he's older

"I heard you attack one of my students" he said and i huffed in anger "I didn't attack him. I only defended my friend. Your student attack my defenseless friend without any reason. He was only talking to a girl" i told him

"Well, if you must know. That that girl is my student's friend also, and their parents are very close. He was only protecting her" he said and my eyes slightly widened

I suddenly felt a pang of jealously on my chest. I quickly shook it off. I mean, of course Cheng is straight. He would never be gay or bisexual. He would never like someone like me

"What do you mean protecting her? My friend didn't even do anything bad to the girl. เขาคุยกับเธอเพราะเขาชอบเธอเท่านั้น" (He talked to her because he likes her) i said and my eyes widened while they all looked at me, confused

"Good thing i said that in Thai" i said to myself but of course, they heard it

"What did you say?" The teacher asked me and i smiled, sheepishly. If i told them that Dre likes Meiying. Cheng would be furious and beat the hell out of him. 

"I said.... I'm late for dinner, i really need to go now" i made an excuse and was about to leave when Cheng stopped me

"Your not going anywhere-" he was cut off by his teacher "It's ok, Cheng. You can go home, B/N" he said and i quickly left the building


I made it to the apartment safely. I went to upstairs and walk to the hallway. I passed at Dre's and Mrs. Parker's apartment and went to my home

I opened the door and took off my shoes "Where have you been, young man?" I heard someone say. I look up to see my dad and May in front of me just 6 feet away from me

"Hi dad, how was work?" I said and put my shoes on the side of the front door "Dont you 'Hi dad' me! Do you know how worried i am that May came home without you?! Where did you went to?" He said and i sighed in defeat

"May, do you remember what Cheng said that his teacher wants to talk to me? Well, i was running away from him and his friends and i ended up in a karate schol which was their school. One of his friends dragged me inside the building and i talked to their teacher" i explained while the two looked at me in a confused and shocked expression

"Who is this 'Cheng'?!" Dad loudly asked me "Cheng is his boyfriend" May said and i looked at her in wide eyes "Wait what?" Dad said, in confused

"I don't like him anymore, May. When i talked to his teacher, i suddenly stopped liking him." i said and walk pass them to go to my room

I shut the door behind me and locked it. I slid down on the door and sat down on the ground..

'Cheng will never like you'


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