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I'm starting this at 27 as if the first book never disappeared. If you're wondering when was the smut, it was the torture Dabi preferred. Making this technically Bakudabi. Don't like, don't read.  PLEASE DO NOT REPORT THIS! I am giving a fair warning here I think.

Also, grammar and spelling mistakes. Sorry. I'm trying here....

Bakugou lifts his head slowly. Everything hurt. He felt empty inside.

"Cheer up. You get to talk to your class today right? If your sobbing then the heroes will be up my ass trying to find you. And then I'll be up yours." Dabi huffs. Bakugou wants to yell. Snarl. Scream profanity. But he can't even manage a glare. The cuffs holding his hands above his head are cutting into his skin and the world is spinning. He feels like his head will split from this headache.

The gag is a metal one this time, but a bundle of cloth is in his mouth too. He feels constantly on the edge of choking by even breathing.

Dabi is setting up a camera in his lap across the room. Toga wakjs in with a bounce in her step.

"Handy man said its my turn to feed him!" She giggles as if its the highlight of her day. At this point Bakugou has realized  she makes up random nicknames for the rest of the league. She must be talking about shigiraki.

"I don't get off on that shit. Be my guest. You can do it every day. I don't care." Dabi waves her away with one hand. She giggles and squats next to the prisoner.

She pulls the gag and cloth out and he gasps for air as saliva pours from his mouth. She grabs his chin and he doesn't even care to protest as she shovels cold slimey food into his mouth. It might be pea soup. But he can't really go off looks and his taste has been gone for a while.

How long has it been even? He pulls his head away to ask.

"What- what day is it?" He asks.

"Dont tell h-" Dabi starts before Toga answers.

"May 14th!" Then proceeded to shovel food into his mouth.

It was December last tine he talked to Deku. He had made sure to ask.

"How?" He asks, mush cascading from his mouth.

"I dunno. It just... Did? You've slept for days in a row before you know. And after we left the last place you were out for almost a week. I couldn't even take your blood! It made shiggy mad." She pouts a bit.

After forcing the rest of the bowl down his throat, She pulled a needle from her pocket. Bakugou already wanted to cry.

"Hey! Hey I'll make you a deal. I'll let you take as much blood as you want. But don't inject me with that." He says, inches from her face.

"Hmm. You're cute... But you're not really my type. I like Izuku and tsu." She says dreamily. Bakugou racked his brain. Tsu...... Was that the frog girl? Or the invisible one? He couldn't create a face for her. Izuku took a second too but he recognized it as Deku. He knew green eyes and freckles. And green hair. But nothing else specific cane to mind. He couldn't remember his face.

"Deku and I are friends! If you let me go I bet he'd give you blood!" He tried desperately to bargain. Dabi had stopped what he was doing and was trying not to laugh.

"Deku?" She stopped.

"Thats his nickname. I've known him since w-we were little kids! I know he would. I can take you to him, please! Just don't do it." He begs again.

"I know where he is. He's at UA. With Tsu. And Ochako. And all my other new friends." Toga uncaps the needle.

"No! Don't!" Bakugou strains against the chains but theres nowhere to go. Toga giggles as she plunges the needle into him. She knows to step back. Almost immediately Bakugou feels a burn travel all over his body as his now defective quirk becomes nearly impossible to contain. His hands blister as small explosions begin to erupt from them. But then he looses all control.

He screams in anguish and horror as explosions engulf the room Toga cries un shock and runs. Dabi even steps out. Bakugou tries to fight it. His hair catches on fire and his chains melt away. He falls to his habds and knees while screaming, trying to make it stop. But it won't.

The windows burst out and the huge room is too small to contain it. Suddenly several streams of foam hut him from the doorway. It doesn't stop but it helps and soon he is able to put it under control.

All the villains are in the doorway holding fire extinguishers. Toga has a burn on her face. Dabi seems lowkey impressed. Shigiraki has a power-hungry look in his eye. Kurogiri is as hard to read as ever yet still seems apprehensive. Spinner is just standing there with his mouth wide open. Twice is trying to clap but compress is holding him back. Magne is wholly confused as well.

(By the way I forgot to mention in this story but because they were hiding from the heroes, the villains never met Overhaul before he was arrested and therefore nothing he did is of much consequence here.)

"Where the HELL did that come from?" Twice finally speaks up. Still silence.

"Weak. I could take him." Twice says in a lower voice.

"Katsuki Bakugou, lets talk." Shigiraki paces over to the teen. Before he even reaches him though, the boy collapsed.

Toga was in charge of bandaging him. His hands might never heal properly again without real medical treatment. And his arms will have wicked scars. Younger him probably would've thought they're awesome.

But that bakugou is gone.

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