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So today I realized something.

It's a weird thing for me to realize such, since I've always thought I wasn't good enough.

I saw some people with different figures and different outfits, you know, they're all different from each other.

Then I thought, what if person no. 1 wore stuff like person no. 2?

Not to be rude or anything, but I thought that maybe it won't look as nice as it does on person no. 2.

Maybe it looks good on us because, well, it's us. It's our own unique style.

Then I thought, that maybe, I shouldn't buy stuff from TopShop, H&M, or Forever 21 to look good and to fit society's standards.

(But I still like the clothes there.)

Maybe I shouldn't wear chokers just because everyone else is.

Maybe I shouldn't try to make myself become a noisy and outgoing person just so I can fit in and get on the popular people's level.

I shouldn't think that if I don't wear a flannel, people at my school will think I'm "uncool", out of place, or "auti".

(Auti is what they call those girls who ((I'm not entirely sure about this though)) like anime (?), bring lunch bags (like me), or those people who aren't popular. (again, like me, though I am not considered an "auti", I don't know why)

I thought that maybe we should be happy and just accept the way we are, because things wouldn't be the same if we were different.

Maybe if I was "popu" (shortcut for popular), I wouldn't like the bands I like nor would I be writing this sentence right now.

I'm happy the way I am, and I'm happy that I'm happy about that.

I've never come to think about this, and now that I have, I just thought that maybe I should share it with all of you.

I hope you're all having a great day :-)

With all the love I can give,

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