• Chapter 1 •

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(A/N): I'm back my dears! I'll explain more of my return towards the end of the chapter~! However, I would like to explain the new and improved version of "It's Complicated."

If you haven't read the description yet, I shall fill in! So, this story will not be the same way that I wrote it years ago. It is revamped! Some aspects of it I will keep such as current characters, OC's, some parts of the plot. If you are a veteran reader of my works, you'll definitely see it ;). This takes place in a modern AU, and I'm winging a bit of past and current timelines. And I'll be taking my time with these works so they will be polished, prevalent, and perfect for you all! As the story progresses, discussions of tough topics that eventually become an emotional but amorous ride.

TW: Sexual Content, Drug Use, Self Harm, Suicidal Thoughts/Attempts/Tendencies, Alcohol Use/Abuse, Explicit Language, some forms of Toxic Masculinity, Homophobic Comments. (I do not support homophobia/hate of anyone based on their sex, gender, or race/ethnicity. Anything I publish here do not reflect my own personal views). These warnings are also placed in the description, so you have warned twice. Read at your own risk.

I've missed you all, and hope you enjoy~!

(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(H/C) = Hair Color
(S/C) = Skin Color
(E/C) = Eye Color

(D/N) = Dad's Name
(D/L/N) = Dad's Last Name

I do not own any images/music. (Exception of my artwork)!

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"We made it!" The excited voice of your father called out to you. The purr of the moving truck ceased as he parked, the fumes of exhaust flooded your nose once you exit the big vehicle.

"Jeez Dad," you groan, swatting the smell with a cough, "Why couldn't we have taken the car? It has less noxious fumes then the RU-Haul."

"Smell that air (Y/N)!"  Your dad inhaled, ignoring your complaint.

"Oh, I smell it." You grumbled, nudging him slightly as you walked over to the back of the truck. Unlatching the handle, the both of you began taking boxes out.

"Is Larry home?" You grunted, forcing a shallow breath near the porch. A little assistance wouldn't hurt the both of you, it was a lot of stuff.

"Lawrence." Dad corrected. "The key should be in the mailbox, we can help ourselves in."

Well. Lawrence was your father's boyfriend, and a college professor. Not your stereotypical shitty boyfriend that treated either of you badly, he was genuinely a nice person. He and Dad were long time friends before your mother, and had been long since after you were born. You couldn't remember much of mom given she wasn't present in your life. As you gathered she died when you were young, and it broke your father's heart. From then on, he shut down emotionally from everyone but you and Lawrence.

A younger you couldn't understand the loss enough to help him recover, and Dad never expressed his grief in front of you. In fact, he sheltered you from it. You figured her memory was always treasured to him, and bringing her up would remind him that she was gone. Since then, you never questioned Dad's intentions growing up. His friendship with Lawrence later evolved into the relationship they have now, and all that mattered to you was his happiness.

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