1 || When we met

222 4 13

A/N: Hello! This is my first x reader fanfiction and it will be a highschool AU. None of the characters belong to me.

F/N: First name

L/N: Last name

BSF/N: Best friends name

H/C: Hair color

H/L: Hair length

E/C: Eye color

Age: 16 (same with Emma, Ray, and Norman)

~Third person POV~

WAKE UP! GET MOVING! GET UP AND BE PRODUCTIVE! GET A JO- The sound of your alarm clock was shut off. You almost broke your phone because you hit the dismiss alarm button so hard. You rolled yourself out of bed and started getting ready for the day. It was your first day at Grace Field academy, and to be honest you weren't all that excited. You had to move a lot due to your moms job. Your parents got divorced when you were ten, so after that you never bothered making friends because you knew that once you got attached you would have to leave again. You walked to your closet after brushing your H/C H/L hair. You pulled out a uniform. It was a white skirt with a white button up shirt and a black jacket over. You sighed and pulled on the uniform. The skirt was short which made you slightly uncomfortable because you were afraid of it flying up. You grabbed your bag and went downstairs to be greeted by a note.

~Your POV~

"Hi sweetie, I'm sorry but I will be overseas for 3 weeks. I left earlier but I made you your favorite breakfast smoothie! It's in the fridge. Take care of the house and make sure to stay safe. Love you!" I sighed and crumpled up the paper. I tossed it into the trash and reached into the fridge for my smoothie. I sat down at the island and started sipping it. We were a pretty wealthy "family", so we lived in a large house. I was scrolling through tik tok when my cat, Ramen, came up to me and meowed. I fed him then went back to tiktok. I took a quick glance at the time and realised that I needed to start heading to school. I slip on my black high top converse and I grab my backpack. Before I left though I grabbed my skateboard which was painted like Killua's. Hunter x Hunter was one of my favorite animes, so of course I'm gonna have merch. I started up the hill when I heard something behind me. I stop and see a ginger haired girl running up to me. "Hi! I'm Emma! Are you going to Grace Field academy?" she asks. "yeah." I reply. "Oooh I go there too! I'll show you the way!" She says happily. I started to follow the energetic girl and a small smile appeared on my face. When we arrived, she led me to the principal's office so I could get my schedule. "I'll wait for you outside!" I walk in and the principal greets me. I think he said his name was Mr. Leslie or something but I can't remember. As I walked out of his office with my schedule in my hand, I noticed that Emma was running towards a white haired boy and a ravenette.

~Ray POV~

As Me and Norman were talking, I noticed a really pretty E/C H/C girl following Emma as she ran up to us. I noticed that she glanced at me and I couldn't help but blush a little.As Emma kept running to me and Norman, she was yelling. "Guys this is Y/N! She's new here!" she practically screamed. Once they both reached us, I took a long look at the girl. She had beautiful H/L H/C hair that was even prettier as it flowed with the light wind. The slight sun that was showing through the grey clouds illuminated her in every perfect way. I blushed furiously but quickly looked away before anyone noticed. "Hey Y/N, I'm Norman. As you probably already know, the crazy one is Emma, and the emo one here is ray." he said with a slight smirk.I shot him a dirty look then I sent my attention towards Y/N. "I AM NOT CRAZY!" she snapped back. As they continued their argument, I grabbed Y/Ns wrist and dragged her into the building. "Sorry about them, they do that constantly." I said quietly. "I-its fine.." she stuttered." "Im Ray. What classes do you have?" I asked. "I have math first... then I have Science, then history, language arts..." she trailed off. She finished reading me her schedule and I was genuinely surprised. "what's wrong?" she asks. "Oh nothing it's just that we have all our classes together. I was just surprised." I said. "Oh ok." she says. I started to show her the way to the classes and as I was showing her the way I noticed a certain snowy haired boy staring at us with a smirk through a window along with a ginger haired girl trying hard to hold back her laughter.

~Your POV~

I looked over at Ray because he suddenly stopped talking and I noticed that he was angrily looking at the window. I look over to the window and see Emma and Norman pressing their faces against it and laughing at us. I blush a bit but I turn to them and flip them off while giving them a face of "stop or I will rip your heads off." they immediately stop after seeing my face and intimidating aura. Ray sees their terrified faces and he turns around to see me and he backs away. We start walking to class together away from the laughing Emma and Norman, when someone familiar catches my eye. 



Hello my lovelies! This is my first x reader, but I hope you like it! I will be taking requests, and fyi I do not mind fluff or smut if you would like it, but for now as they are getting to know each other and become close everything will be taken slowly. Thanks for reading this crappy story!

Author-chan out!

(word count: 999)

When I saw her ~ Ray x reader Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now