2 || My crazy best friend

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A/N: I will be using they/them pronouns for your best friend because of obvious reasons :)

~Your POV~

I was walking with Ray to our first period when someone really familiar catches my eye. I stare for a moment and quickly realize that it was my best friend, BSF/N. I almost started crying because we haven't seen each other in so long. I ran up to them and practically tackled them. 
"BSF/N!!" I shouted. They look up at me and then they hugged me tightly. I hugged back. "It's so good to see you Y/N!" they said. We got into a conversation but then I heard a "tch" behind me. I turn around to see Ray impatiently waiting for me. BSF/N noticed this and chuckled a bit as my back was turned. "Guess I'll see you later Y/N. Have fun with your little boyfriend." they said while walking off. "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" I shouted in defense. "yeah yeah whatever" they snap back. I felt my face heat up because of this comment and I quickly hide myself so that Ray couldn't see my face. No doubt about it, I probably looked like a tomato. I turned back to Ray with a slight blush on my cheeks. I noticed that he was blushing a bit too but I quickly brushed it off. "S-sorry about them, they're like that sometimes.." I stuttered. "It's fine, really. I just wasn't expecting that." Ray and I finally started walking to class together and we finally reached the classroom. "Ugh I hate mathhhh" you whine. "Chill, Ms. Bartholomew isn't that bad." he says calmly. *IF YOU KNOW ME AND GO TO MY SCHOOL IMMA JUST DIE ALSO LESLIE IS THE PRINCIPAL AND ISABELLA IS THE VICE PRINCIPAL EVERY OTHER TEACHER IS ACTUALLY BASED OFF OF MY SCHOOL SCHEDULE SO NO COMING AT ME*

As Ray and I walk into the classroom I noticed that there didn't seem to be many people there yet. I walked up to the teacher and asked what my seat was. She seemed to have noticed that I had already met Ray, so of course she places me by him. I got a bit flustered by this but I went and sat down. The bell rang and the class started filling in. "Ok class today we have a new student! Y/N would you like to introduce yourself?"  She said. I knew it was a rhetorical question because even though she asked if I wanted to, that meant that I had to. I stood up and felt my social anxiety kick in, but I did my best to power through. I was trying to say my name but stuttered while doing so, and faint laughing could be heard around the classroom. I started to get a panic attack, but Ray noticed this and grabbed my hand. "Ms, Y/N here is nervous. Could you introduce her instead?" he asked. The teacher sighed and introduced me. I quickly sat down but I could still hear some people laughing. I almost started crying but I stopped when I felt the grip on my hand tighten. I had forgotten that he had grabbed my hand earlier. I felt the heat rushing to my face when reality came setting back in.

~Ray's POV~

I tightened the grip I had on Y/N's hand, and I tried my best to comfort her and calm her down. "cute"  I thought. Wait what am I thinking! We just met! I sighed as I let go of Y/N's hand. Class went on as usual, and I kept sneaking glances at Y/N. She was so pretty when she was focused. I once again snapped back to reality as I attempted to also get my head out of the gutter. The bell rang, and everyone packed up and left. I waited for Y/N to finish putting her books into her backpack, and we walked out together. Norman and Emma came running up to us as soon as we left the classroom. "Ray! Y/N!" Emma shouted. Norman was trailing behind her, semi-struggling to keep up with her fast pace. Luckily, we all had POD together. Our POD classes were Science, History, and L.A. Exactly in that order. And as Y/N, Norman, Emma and I were walking, I kept on getting butterflies in my stomach.

"What is this feeling...?"


Hello my lovelies! Thank you for reading this crappy story, I hope you like it so far! I will update as often as possible so I don't keep you waiting. Final word count: 752

When I saw her ~ Ray x reader Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now