Game of Oblivion: Part 7.2

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The duo rushed to the control room immediately. They have seen it while running to the coliseum and it was very near them. Together and with brute force, the bashed the door open, only to be greeted by Alexia's back. 

"My little experiment at the coliseum  was so much fun, don't you think?" she asked with enthusiasm. Both of them approached Alexia slowly with their pistols pointed at her. Suddenly, a brute force knock Chris on his back and the force sent him flying in mid air for a short moment before he fell on the floor with him grunting. "Though I guess sometimes a worker ant will turn on his queen," she added after that. She moved her right hand gracefully but then, Claire realised that she was giving commands to the tentacles instead. Chris stared in horror as the tentacle crushed the bomb, the parts coming off. How was he supposed to destroy the area now?

"Chris! Are you okay?" Claire asked, running over to him and helping him up.

"Oh, that's right," she exclaimed. "You two are brother and sister, aren't you? I had a brother once too. He really wasn't much fun. He couldn't even wake me up on time! But I've released him of all his responsibilities,

"You think everyone else is here to serve you, don't you?!" Claire questioned her, her eyes glaring at Alexia and her gun still pointed at her.

"Serve me? No," she replied calmly. "I think everyone else is here to serve my experiments!" With that, she giggled while her hands were lit on fire. The duo stared at her blankly while her whole body was on fire. Her clothes turned into ashes and parts of her body became different such that her left hand, her hip area and part of her legs were of a different skin. It looked rough and seemed to be of a plant. Their attention was broken when she spoke again. "Let's start with our little experiment, shall we?" she spoke with pride, waving her hands in the air. The earth rumbled a little and as the duo turned back, they looked in shock. The tentacles had already blocked the only exit. "Lab rats aren't meant to run away, you know! How amusing! I can feel Veronica surging through my cells!"

In a flash, she was already in front of them and she used her right hand, strangling Chris and lifting him up. Chris swore in anger while he opened fire at her with Claire distancing herself away from Alexia and shooting at her. Chris' legs were kicking in the air, his hands desperately trying to get her  hands off him. His lungs felt life burning for a short moment before Alexia released Chris, sending him tumbling onto the floor.

"You're useless to me now," Alexia spoke, shuffling backwards. "Oh god, witness my power!"

With that, she threw a ball of fire at them but the duo were fast enough to retreat. The fire circled around them before it disappeared. Claire looked behind in shock as Alexia circled around them. How did she get there so fast. She waved her hands to their right and a second after they felt the heat of the fire nearing them, the duo stepped front, avoiding the wave of fire. Again, Alexia flew to their front, this time strangling Claire. Claire struggled as well and with her legs, she swung them forward, causing Alexia to move back and stop strangling her. With a somersaut, Alexia jumped from the ground floor to the top of a platform on their left. Another ball of fire was launched at them, attempting to burn them again but the duo dodged the fire once more. Alexia jumped down to ground level with ease, waving her hand once more. Although the duo dodged another wave of fire, Claire realised what she was trying to do.

"She is trying to corner us!" Claire warned. Two more waves of fire and she can easily trap both of them here.  Once again, Alexia controlled the movement of the fire, trapping them between walls of fire. The duo looked in shock.

"Dammit! We're trapped!" Chris yelled while Alexia somersuated to another platform on the right.

This time, Alexia sent a series of fire balls decending towards them. The duo managed to evade the fire balls but the heat was getting more unbearable as their skins felt as if they were on fire. Just then, Claire noticed a valve on the floor.

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