Cedar Trees and Lost Boys

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The green of the trees is a dazzling emerald around you. The forest is a beautiful place to live, and the woodlands of Neverland are no exception. As a dryad, you have always loved the sight of the woods, and today is no exception.

Your feet are light on the mossy ground as you stride silently through the forest. Every dryad on Neverland has a species of tree that is unique to them and is the source of their powers. Yours is cedar. You can control their growth, and they help you stay young forever without having to rely on Pan's magic. You are also connected to each and every cedar tree on the island- you can feel when one is cut down or newly planted.

Once you find a thicket of cedar trees, you walk to the nearest one and place your palm against it, closing your eyes to anchor your magic to it. Once you're ready, you walk forward through the tree, and end up outside of a different cedar on the other side of the island. Dryads can travel from one tree to another, and you've used it to your advantage to save you time otherwise spent walking pointlessly around the island. You're almost to your destination, and soon the familiar sight of your close friend's treehouse comes into view.

You barely even have to knock before your best friend comes cheerily to the door. "Oh, Y/N! I'm so glad to see you! Come in, quick, before anyone sees you." Tinker Bell's usual bright voice turns anxious in the last sentence, and she peeks her head quickly out the door to make sure no one is around to see you two. Peter Pan is always watching, but you want to make sure he won't see you.

You sit down in a chair opposite your friend, letting out a long sigh and kicking your feet up. "What's wrong?" Tink asks, concern lacing her eyes. "Just the usual. The High Council wants me to stay alert because they think another Lost Boy will be coming to the island soon and they want me to follow through with the usual responsibilities." Every time the council of dryads believes a Lost Boy to be the True Believer, they send you to lure him away from camp and towards the dryad regions of Neverland. The Lost Boys always seem to trust you more than anyone, and once you deliver the potential savior to the elders, they can determine whether or not the boy is really the Truest Believer. This upsets Pan, of course, but seeing as he has no idea who's drawing away the Lost Boys, he can do nothing but stew over it.

Tinker Bell clucks her tongue sympathetically. "I'm sorry. At least you have something to do, right?" Your mouth stretches into a frown. "I know, but still! It feels like none of the other dryads want anything to do with me until a new Lost Boy shows up, and I'm sick of it. I just wish I could do more than just lure away newcomers, you know-" Your voice drops off as you sense a disturbance in the forest. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps comes from right outside the door. It's Pan!

"Quick- get up! There's a window in the back room, you'll have to leave through there. Hurry!" Tink leaps up, rushing you out before opening the door once you've gone. Just as your feet hit the ground, you hear a voice coming from Tink's treehouse. "Now, who was with you? I know I heard another voice.."

You shiver at the sound of Pan's voice, and run as fast as you can towards the nearest grove of cedar. There's an odd sound behind you, kind of like the crack of lightning but more muted. You dare to check over your shoulder, and you see Pan closing the gap behind you! He doesn't know who you are, and he can't tell what tree you control, so you sprint with all of your energy to the cedar trees and disappear. Thankfully, you were far enough away from him that he won't be able to follow you through the tree, but your heart is still pounding in your chest. That was close.

Later that night, the new Lost Boy arrives. He seems innocent enough, with a mess of black hair that's just long enough to keep falling in his eyes. The other Lost Boys seem delighted to meet him, and they dance around a bonfire that soars high into the sky. Eventually, though, the new Lost Boys looks out into the trees and catches sight of you. His stare is full of curiosity and wonder. You suppose he's never seen a dryad before, and you can't help a small smile. You are dressed in flowing green, with a crown of white flowers encircling your hair. His interest in you eventually wins out his desire to stay with the other boys, and he slips away from the camp and into the forest.

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