Chapter 5

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The party is already in full speed when Louis and Niall arrive. It's just ten o'clock, but they've been at Niall's place, having dinner. Usually on New Year's Eve Louis' family go over to Niall's, but the table felt horribly empty this year and Louis could stand it only for so long.

The party they're at is only a few blocks away and they walked over there, sipping from a flask with gin in an attempt to catch up on the drunken buzz. They didn't want to drink at their parents despite being of age, but they're ready to get plastered as soon as they get inside.

The hostess of the party is this girl Kelly. She's on the cheering squad and Louis knows her well enough. Her house is gigantic, which is probably for the best, because according to the event on Facebook almost the entire senior class is attending tonight. Louis knows at the back of his head that Harry probably will be here tonight, but he doesn't want to think about that. He's done pretty well not thinking about him for the entire break. More or less.

Louis and Harry almost never attend the same parties, because they never tend to hang out in the same crowds. If the football team ever gathers it's mostly for a few beers for an hour before everyone leaves to do their own thing. It's probably Louis and Harry's fault that the team isn't very close knit. Louis hasn't been feeling parties much lately either, only went to a few last term, and he doesn't even know if Harry has been around the people he usually hangs with. Tonight, though, Louis is ready to get pissed and not think about anything at all.

He and Niall greet their mates as they get into the house that's rather full. The kitchen is crammed, and they right away press through toward the kitchen table where people have dared to leave their alcohol. Niall snatches a bottle of vodka, finding plastic shot glasses somewhere and pours them one each.

"Happy New Year, Lou," he grins, raising his glass. Louis smirks, tipping the drink back. It's some Russian shit and it burns, the two of them making faces at each other.


"Another," Louis agrees.

They finally make their way into the living room after two more shots, and Louis spots Stan and Oli on the couch. They're smoking and Louis makes room for himself between them, joining their loud chatter. The music is blasting loudly through the room, furniture having been ruthlessly pushed to the walls to make room for dancing, and Louis can spot several pairs getting slightly indecent. He's pretty sure Niall is part of one of the couples. He's already pulling, and Louis can hardly deny that his best mate's got game.

"Liam!" Louis yells when he sees the lad coming into the room. He's looking good in a white, tight t-shirt that does well to his broad shoulders and chest, and his light jeans make his waist look incredible. It's strange, because Louis hasn't ever found him very attractive. Maybe he's a little drunk, though.

Liam comes over, bumping Louis' outstretched fist before giving him a hug. Louis whines until he does a shot with him, and in the Louis winds up sitting on his lap for whatever reason. It's nothing but friendly, but it's nice somehow. Louis loves being affectionate, especially when drunk. It was such a long time ago he got this inebriated, and the feeling is heady and pleasant. He's almost forgotten how great a good buzz can be. He's been too busy with football to let loose lately, and he tells Liam as much.

"I usually throw parties, mate," he answers. "Come to mine. Ed and Zayn usually come, too." Louis doesn't know who Zayn is, but Liam knows the good kind of people, he's sure.

"Wanna smoke?" Louis asks.

"Sure." He wraps his arm around Louis' waist, keeping him on his lap as he raises his bum to get his pack of cigarettes out of his front pocket. He keeps his arm there, lighting his cig and then leans in to let Louis light his off of it.

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