Chapter 3

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I breathe softly as I lay on the green hill. I don't know how long I've been like this. My eyes are closed, and my mouth is slightly open. I feel at peace. The fresh lavender smell keeps me calm.

What if I got up and ran through the violet fields? I've never done it before. I was always too scared to get caught. It's funny how I've seen this view countless times, but never once have I dared to go towards it. I consider the fields to be something beautiful to look at. That's it. I guess the lavenders simply haven't asked to be touched yet. I'll know when the time comes.

I turn my head to the left, so my body can lay sideways on the grass. My cheek is met with the green strings of herbs. I accidentally inhale grass with my nose. The uncomfortable feeling in my nostrils makes me open my eyes.

I sit up straight and wipe the drool off my chin. I had been completely knocked out for what had felt like hours.

I look at my watch. 10: 18.

My eyes widen a bit. I must hurry back home if I don't want to miss breakfast.

I get up, climb down the hill, and grab my bike.

The journey home was quite fast. The shops in the village were now open. I saw good old Pierre sweep up the floor of his boulangerie with his broom. He waved to me and gave me a generous smile.

Everyone knows each other in this small town. Saint-Rémy-de-Provence has always felt like home to me. I was so happy to see the lively village that I forgot about Louis completely. Until I hopped off my bike and strolled through my backyard...

He's sitting next to my Maman and diagonally across from my Papa at the terrace table. It's now covered with a yellow tablecloth. A variety of fruits are displayed on a plate, eggs sit in a large bowl and a pitcher of what seems to be like apricot juice is on the table.

He still has his blue bandana in his hair. He's wearing a white and blue stripped shirt, paired with tight red shorts.

Who does he think he is, a sailor?

Everyone is enjoying their breakfast. Maman seems to be teaching Louis how to pronounce the fruits on the plate in French. Papa is silently reading his news paper.

"Grapefruit is Pamplemousse" She says while pointing at the fruit in question.


"No, you have to separate the syllables. Like this: PAM-PLE-MOUSSE"


"Yes! Pamplemousse!"


Maman ends up laughing with her hand on her stomach. She then notices me.

"Bon matin chéri. I'm teaching Louis french. He's a fast learner." She says while patting Louis' back. He looks at me proudly.

"I'm sure he is Maman." I answer simply. I don't want him to think I'm impressed that he's able to say pamplemousse.

I pour myself a glass of apricot juice and sit down across from him. I look down on my empty plate.

I feel a pair of eyes on me. Something's telling me they're blue. I look up and my eyes are met with his.

"Do you want the last two eggs?" He asks with the bowl in his hands.

Trying to be nice I see.

"Yes." I answer as I reach out to take the bowl.

For a moment, time stops. His fingers lightly graze over mine as I grab the bowl. The touch is soft and slow. A heat wave passes through my body. Our eyes still haven't left each other. Feeling suddenly uncomfortable, I look away and quickly place the bowl next to my plate.

I think I'm going to be sick. Did he purposely touch me? Or was it a simple accident?

Everyone around the table is in a world of their own. I chose to completely ignore him for the rest of breakfast. After a while, Louis finally breaks the silence.

"Is there a way that I could rent a place to project a movie in town?"

Why does he need a movie theater room?

"Yes, you could ask the concierge at the Ciné Palace. Harry could take you there by bike this afternoon, after you've helped me with some tasks." Papa answers.

"But I already went there this morning! Plus, we only have one bike." I immediately protest. I don't want to spend anymore time with him than I need to.

"That's nonsense Harry! Louis can take my bike. I'll have Clément prepare it for...around 1:30? Does that work with both of you?" Maman answers. She looks a me with killer eyes.

Guess I don't really have a choice then.


"Thank you, mate. I really appreciate it." He says while standing up. He gently kisses my mom's cheek and waves to me before heading inside.


Chapter 3 done!! Why does Louis need a movie theater room...?

My chapters will start to get progressively longer as the story goes on. We're still in the introduction part of it all! 

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