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*Door squeaking*

"Huh?" Noah said sitting up out of his bed.
"Noayyyyy its 5:00" Noah looked to see who was talking to him and saw his little sister holding her doll she got for a gift from Christmas.

"Alright I'm comin' " and with that he pushed himself out of bed to make her breakfast.

It was the first day of school for him and his sister (josie).

Josie was starting kindergarten and Noah was starting his 3rd year of high school.
And he was not fond of that.

"Go get dressed and the food will be ready when you get back" he said tiredly opening the fridge and taking out the milk.


Noah pushed his brown hair back with a headband and rolled up his sleeves.

He turned on the TV and put a kids show on for Josie.

He was half way down with making her pancakes when she came down the stairs dressed and ready to go.

He got done with the food and placed a plate infront of Josie and ran up stairs to get dressed.

After they all were done a ready to go they got in Noah's car Josie got in her car seat and they drove to school.

Noah had to go in Josie's school because she was to young to go in by herself.

he got stared at a lot by older women thinking he was a teen parent.

The reason Noah was the parent in Josie's life was because there parents were spending awhile in prison because they did illegal drugs and abused Noah.

He has permanent scars because of this.

But Noah doesn't like thinking about his past and nether does Josie.

They don't let there past stop them. They keep going and smile.

Now that Josie was at school it was time for Noah's turn.

He really hate school and did see the point because he was doing just fine living on his own.

He pulled into the student parking lot and got out with his bag.
He pulled out the map of the school and his schedule squinting at it and looking around.

Once he found class room he silently opened the door trying not to gain attention and sat down in the back of the class.

He was there a bit early so he put his head down to get a little rest.

He hears a lot of people talking a whispering loudly and he put his head up to see why because school is not going to start until 20 mins.

Then he saw why.

There was a guy. That made all the girls blush and made all the boys hiss in jealousy.

The guy had shiny black hair. And had gorgeous green eyes.
He was also very tall 6'0 maybe even 6'1.

He had good posture and his voice was soothing and sexy.

'Yes he was handsome but not that handsome' Noah thought to him self while putting his head back down.

After a while of Noah being half asleep half awake he hear someone approach him.

But Noah didn't look up. He just simply didn't care.

"Your in my seat" Noah hear the person that approached him say.

The voice was cold and made him kinda shiver.

Noah looked up to see the guy that every one was talking about.

'Wow hes even hotter up clo- what the fuck now is not the time' Noah thought mentality slapping himself.

"Did you hear me idiot.
I said that's my seat" the guy said getting closer.

"Last time I check there's no sitting chart." Noah said sitting up completely.

'Ok I get it' Noah thought 'hes the kind that's pretty on the outside but a asshole on the inside'

"I sat here last year and now I sit here this year you get that prick." The guy said in a pissed tone.

"Well I wasn't here last year" Noah said getting his thing together because giving up a set doesn't matter that much then getting bet up.

And he new if he sat here much long there would be rumors and possibly him getting bet up.

"That's it get out of my seat" the guy said smirking.

'Ok not gonna lie that was hot' Noah thought blushing a little but he turned his head so the guy doesn't see.

And walked away quietly to find another seat.

After awhile the teacher came in a school started.

And now it was time for lunch. A.k.a. Noah's least favorite part of school.

The reason was because he didn't have any friends and the lunch room was so big and crowded with people it scared him.

And kinda give him PTSD.

That's why he brings his lunch.

He was walking to the bathroom to eat there until he heard some um questionable noise coming from there and quickly walked away.

'Oh FUCK no' he thought making his way outside to maybe find a place there to eat.

After a while of searching he found a place under the bleachers in the gym.

He sat down ate his lunch. When he was done he got up and throw it away and sat back down in the same spot.

He was going to play on his phone until the bell ring.

But something else happened.


idiot [boyxboy] blWhere stories live. Discover now