Chapter 2

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As Mary Claire and Eddie rode through the streets of Derry they caught up with each other and talked. They had been best friends since they were born and were together all the time. But, Mary Claire was never allowed to hang out with his gang of friends and was not familiar with them. Sure they saw each other at school and such but even then never talked. Eddie pulled up to a Victorian style house. It was big and fancy, "So uh here we are." Mary Claire nodded getting off the bike.
"I'm glad we got to talk Eddie." Eddie nodded as she hugged him and rushed up to the house. "Wish me me luck." She said nervously entering the house.
"MARY CLAIRE!" Mary Claire could tell her mother was angry due to her tone of voice. She took off her shoes and put them at the front door as always and walked into the living room to see her mother sitting at a large blue chair with a teacup in her hand.
"Yes momma?" Mrs. Williams's face was stern and angry. Her hair was tightly tied up on her head with a black ribbon. She was wearing a long navy dress that looked extremely old for 1989.
"Where were yo-," she stopped looking at the young girl's dress. "Is that dirt on your dress?" She asked in a passive aggressive manner.
"Yes momma but I'm really sorry I fell-," The woman threw her hand in front of Mary Claire's mouth. She held up one fingering signaling her to shush.
"None of your excuses," she stated firmly, "you know that a young lady shouldn't be outside in the dirt. She should be inside cooking, cleaning, and learning to sew." Mary Claire had heard this a million times from her mother to the point where she could state it word for word. Though, she never dared question her mother due to the punishment. Her mother would send her away to some girls' boarding school across the country.
"Yes momma I understand." She said quietly and politely bowing her head towards her mother in an act of apologizing. Her mother nodded at her daughter and pointed toward the stairs.
"Now go to your room and get ready for bed. You will spend the rest of the night in your room reading and if I catch you downstairs you will be punished." Mary Claire nodded and headed towards her room. As she walked in she shuddered looking at the dolls in her room. She had always feared them but her mother made her keep them because they were girly or whatever. Usually when her mom wasn't there she threw them in her closet so they wouldn't look at her.
"These thing get really annoying." she murmured to herself picking up the doll. She shoved the thing in her closet and closed the door. Mary Claire took off her dirty dress throwing it into the laundry basket and putting on a blue casual dress. She took down her hair and walked into the bathroom, as she started to brush her hair weird noises came from her closet.
  "What the hell?" She asked walking over to the door. When she opened the door her doll was gone. Her breathing got faster as a child-like music played in her room.
  "Mart Claire?" Mary Claire turned around quickly looking for who had said her name. Laying on her bed was her missing doll. She walked backwards seeing the doll as her heart beat faster. "Why don't you play with me?" The doll sat up from the bed turning it's head to the girl. Mary Claire backed into the wall as the doll stood up on her bed.
  "It's not real. It's not real. It's just a dream." She told herself closing her eyes tightly. When she opened her eyes again the doll was closer.
  "Mary Claire? I thought we were friends." The doll spoke softly looking at the girl in the eyes as she sunk into the wall in pure horror. Mary Claire's eyes widened as the doll became closer. "Now you only throw me away like trash." The doll's voice became darker before the eyes oozed black slime. Mary Claire started to cry as the thing grew closer feeling a strong wave of terror come over her.
  "What in the world is going on here!?" Mary Claire looked at the door to see her mother standing in the doorway with a angry look on her face. When she looked back at the doll it was laying on the floor limp. There was still black ooze all over the ground.
  "B-but the- the doll-," she started looking up terrified at her clearly angry mother. Who had a look of disappointment on her face.
  "What? The doll did what? It made this mess and pushed you to the ground?" Mary Claire cried harder looking into her mother's cold eyes. "Get up." She hissed grabbing Mary Claire's arm. She dragged her into the living room and grabbed a large stick from the cabinet, "Now once your done with your beating your going to clean up your mess and go to bed." Mary Claire nodded still crying hard.
  "Yes momma." She muttered before her mother began whacking the poor girl with the stick. For several minutes she sat there crying as her mother beat her with a stick until she stopped and pointed sternly towards the stairs. For the rest of  the night Mary Claire sat in her room cleaning the mess while crying her eyes out.

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A/n what do you guys think so far. I like writing and this chapter was mostly to give a pennywise interaction and a backstory so sorry if it's a bit boring but it was fun to write. Love you thanks for reading will update soon.

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