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It was finally lunchtime, you and Bonnie were sitting at your usual table, chatting about everything while you ate. The cafeteria was nothing short of chaos and commotion as it always is, but for some reason, amidst all of the craziness going on you felt a strange feeling. Like something or someone was watching you. Something just seemed a little off, you scanned the cafeteria but everything seemed normal to you

" looks like you have an admirer " Bonnie smirked as she looked at you

" what are you talking about ?" You frowned putting down your juice as you looked at her

" turn around and see for yourself " she smiled but kept her gaze ahead. You turned around slowly in your seat to see none other than Raimundo. He was sitting at a table in the corner of the cafeteria by himself, eating his pizza. You thought he looked so cute the way he ate, he occasionally tucked his long curly hair behind his ear. You watched as he picked up his chocolate milk carton and began to drink. You watched closely as his Adam's apple went up and down with every sip he took. Suddenly, his eyes landed on you and you quickly looked away, turning back around in your seat

" we should go sit with him " Bonnie smiled looking over at him

" are you insane ?" You laughed " I am not going over th- BONNIE!"

You watched in shock as your Bestie made her way over to Raimundo's table and sat down. He looked up at her and then immediately looked over at you, this reminded you so much of that scene from sky high when Layla and magenta went to sit at warren peace table and he was totally against it, but not Raimundo. He smiled at Bonnie and you sighed as she waved for you to come join. You mentally cursed to yourself and grabbed your tray walking over to them and sat across from him. He looked right into your eyes and smiled, if you were a popsicle you would of melted right there

" so Raimundo from now on you can sit with us at lunch if you want " Bonnie smiled " you don't have to sit alone anymore right y/n?"

Bonnie looked at you and you gave her a * I could kill you look * " yea sure Why not " you half smiled. You noticed Bonnie starring at Raimundo and you could tell he was starting to feel a little uncomfortable, just as you were about to say something she spoke up

" woah " was all she could say as she continued to stare him down. You frowned and looked over at Bonnie

" what is up with you " you half whispered while Raimundo drank the rest of his chocolate milk, eyeing Bonnie in the process

" NOW I know who you remind me of !" She yelled " that night stalker guy you love so much !" Bonnie looked at you with excitement in her eyes. " Richard Ramirez right? He totally looks like Richard Ramirez like he could be his TWIN !"

You froze up, starring down at the table in disbelief. You were trying so hard to figure it out, who the hell did Raimundo remind you of, and now it hit you like a ton of bricks. He liegit looks like Richard Ramirez almost like a carbon copy, the jawline, that hair, that skin , that piercing look in his eyes. You looked up at him slowly, your heart racing and your breathing getting heavier. He began to look around the room as if avoiding the topic. Now you were the one starring at him. Holy shittt you mentally said to yourself . Raimundos eyes landed back on you then he quickly got up, as if in a hurry

" where you going? There's still like 15 mins left for lunch " Bonnie asked him

" I uhhhh, have to go to the bathroom " he said as he swung his backpack over his shoulders and darted towards the door. You looked over at Bonnie and she looked at you

" great , you scared him away " you sighed

" I did NOT " Bonnie frowned " I can't help it if he looks like the night stalker " she smirked " i bet your gonna be just as obsessed with him as you are with Richard now huh? I mean they look just alike, what if that's his son ?" She laughed and you shook your head laughing with her

" your insane you know that? " you smiled " but I love you anyway "

" love ya too boo " she smiled and hugged you back " no but seriously you better shoot your shot because he's fine as hell and you know all the girls at this school are gonna try "

You sat there taking in what she said and it was true, they definitely were. All the thirsty bitches were gonna try their hardest to get at Raimundo, you rolled your eyes at the thought

" who cares " you shrugged " let them"

But deep down, there was something that you did care about, something that Bonnie had said was now bothering you, making you think, making you wonder. Even though it was a bizarre thought, what are the odds right ?

" what if that's his son "

Bonnies voice kept playing in your head over and over. You shook it off and got up from the table grabbing your things

* Not a snow ball chance in hell

You thought to yourself,

* That's insane

* That's impossible

* That's stupid to even think about

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